April the Hedgehog

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This is MY OC for Sonic and Amy's eldest daughter

This is MY OC for Sonic and Amy's eldest daughter

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Alli: so, Shads is here with us today!

Shadow: what did I say about calling me Shads!

Alli: to keep doing it! Anyway, that's what April looks like, her full design.

Shadow: are you going to do everyone else?

Alli: duh! This is me we're talking about!

Shadow: whatever. Are you going to tell them about the other two OC's you just added?

Alli: yeah, now that you brought it up!

Shadow: *smirks*

Alli: around the time Aaron and Amaya, the younger twins of Sonic and Amy, are born, Alli finds out she's pregnant, but she's single. What happens? Well, Scourge and his buddies start a fight and practically everyone fights back. Scourge gets the shít beat outta him and gets revenge by raping the only single girl in the Sonic gang, Alli. And Alli's daughter's name is Audree (yeah I know that was kinda Alli talking in third person)

Shadow: what about the other one... *smirks wider*

Alli: that's another story for next time, k!

Shadow: k...

Alli: anyway that's all the time for today.


Shadow: bye

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