Chapter 2

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"So are you dating him?"


"Well then-"

"I don't know what it is Ginny, it just is." said Hermione, tired of talking about her and Malfoy's strange relationship-or lack thereof.

"So you guys don't plan on telling anyone?" she asked, following her out of the common room.

Hermione groaned and turned around to face her, "Ginevra, I am not talking about this anymore. You are not talking about this anymore. Not to me, not to anyone. Got it?"

Ginny nodded and they headed down to the Great Hall for dinner.

"Hey Ron, hey Harry."

"Oh, hey Mione." said Ron, scooting over so she could sit next to him.

"We're all still going to Hogsmeade together right?" asked Harry as they began eating.

They all nodded, while across the Great Hall Draco was almost glaring daggers at the back of Ron's head. He hated that he got to sit there with her, joking and laughing.

And it was his fault that he wasn't the one doing that with her. He'd said that he needed some time to tell his friends because he didn't want them to freak out, and Hermione had agreed to it, but she was definitely pissed and he knew it.

"You alright?" asked Blaise, looking over to where Draco was staring.

"Yeah. I'm great." he snapped, averting his gaze to stare down at his food.

"Yeah, you look like you're great." he said sarcastically.

Draco sighed and said, "What do you think about Granger? Honestly?"

"What do you mean what do I think of her?"

"I mean...I don't know."

"Well, if you mean do I think she's pretty, sure. I mean she's basically got 99% of the girls here beat, and she's smarter than everybody."

Draco nodded and watched as Hermione waved goodbye to her friends and left the Great Hall. "I'll see you later. I'm going to go for a walk."

Blaise rolled his eyes, knowing exactly where his friend was headed. And he really didn't care. He couldn't say that for the rest of their friends, but he was happy for Draco.

"Granger, wait up!"

"I'm not in the mood Malfoy." she said, continuing to walk down the deserted hallway.

"What's wrong?" he asked, grabbing her hand and spinning her around to look at him.

She sighed, "Ron asked me to go to Hogsmeade with him tomorrow."

Draco clenched his jaw, "What did you say?"

"I said I'd think about it."

"Are you kidding me?" he asked, his voice rising.

"No, I'm not kidding you." she snapped. "I don't see why you care what I do in the first place considering I'm not your girlfriend, and you have no intention of making me your girlfriend."

"You know that I like you-"

"Yeah, and I know that you care what people think about-"

"That's not why I'm doing this." he said, his anger boiling.

"Oh really? So you don't want to go out with me because you don't want your friends to flip out, but you don't care what they think about you? Tell me how that makes sense!"

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