Stomach Flu - Three

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That was how Calum, Michael and Ashton found him when they entered the hotel room. Calum put the toast on the bedside table while Ashton went to comfort Luke, and Michael went to get Luke some new clothes from his bag.

"Luke, hey, look at me bud," Ashton spoke softly. Luke slowly shook his head and groaned. "Luke, buddy, we're gonna help you back to bed, okay?" After about a minute, Luke took a deep breath and looked up with tears in his eyes.

"Ash, I don't feel good," Luke said in a shaky voice.

"I know Lukey, I know. Michael and I are gonna help you up and get you dressed. Calum is gonna get the bed ready and get you some medicine," Ash said, trying to ease Luke in his distressed state. Together the two boys helped him stand, and Ashton kept the sick boy steady. Luke had a hand on Ashton's shoulder as Michael bent down to help get Luke's boxers and sweats on, before helping with the shirt. They slowly left the bathroom and helped Luke onto the bed.

Calum came over with a trash can and set it next to the bed, and laid a few items on the bedside table. "I'm gonna take your temperature okay? Then we can get you some medicine," Calum said. Luke nodded and opened his mouth for the thermometer. Calum took it out when it beeped and sighed, "102.4. He's not going anywhere today. Can someone call management?"

Ashton nodded and grabbed his phone before making his way out into the hallway. "These should help with the fever and the headache. We also have some pepto to help your stomach," Michael said as he opened some packets and gave the medicine to Luke.

"Thanks." Luke swallowed the pills and drank some pepto and laid back down. "Can you guys cuddle me?" The blonde asked in a shaky voice.

"Aw, of course buddy." With that, Calum got on the bed and pulled Luke up so that he was laying on his lap. Michael got on the bed next to him and started massaging Luke's upset stomach. Luke's eyes drifted shut, hoping he'd be able to sleep for a little bit.

After a few minutes Luke's stomach started to make gurgling noises. Calum and Michael looked at each other as Luke groaned and opened his eyes. "You good Luke?" Michael asked.

The blonde's stomach gurgled again and Luke slowly started to sit up with tears in his eyes. "Cal he's gonna be sick!"

"I know, hold on." Calum helped Luke sit up and lean over the bed and held him above the trash can. Michael rubbed circles on his back as he started to gag.

"Let it out, you'll feel better," Michael reassured his sick bandmate. With one final heave, Luke began to throw up everything that was left in his stomach, which was stomach acid, pills, and the pepto. He had tears streaming down his throat as he continued to gag over the trash can.

Ashton appeared in the doorway looking pissed. Calum looked over at him with a questioning look and Ashton made his way over to his bandmates. Luke had finally gotten a break from vomiting and was now breathing heavily, trying to get his breath back.

"Fucking management! They said he can skip the interviews, which is good, but he has to do the show tonight."

"What? That's not fair. He's way too sick to even sleep, let alone a show tonight!" Michael exclaimed with an annoyed expression on his face.

"Well at least he can get some rest while we do interviews. That should at least help a little," Calum said, trying to think on the positive side.

"Yeah, I guess. I don't really want to leave him alone though, not when he's this sick," Ashton said. He looked worriedly at Luke and saw that he had fallen asleep again.

Calum looked down at Luke and sighed, "Yeah, you're right. He couldn't even keep the medicine down. One of us should stay with him.

"I can. I don't really want to do interviews today. Last time we did them here the Lady was a bitch. We'll meet you guys at the venue later," Ashton said as he weaved his hands through Luke's hair.

"Sounds good. Cal and I'll get ready. We'll just say that Luke fell ill this morning and that you're staying behind to make sure he's okay," Michael said.

Calum gently lifted Luke off his lap and him and Michael went to go get ready for the interviews. Ashton picked up the trash can and went to clean it out. He put the clean trash can next to the bed and got in besides Luke, moving his hand through his sweaty, blonde hair.

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