"How extraordinary" Marcus said smiling at Swan she was now peeping at the Volturi.

"She could become a threat we don't know her future, she could expose us all" Caius hissed I growled he was pushing my buttons talking about my family and now exhuming my daughter was a threat. I was glad we didn't need Alex to blind them to make them see that she is no threat I had a feeling that wouldn't have gone down well especially with my dear, sicho friend Jane.

"She is no threat she is not as strong as us she can survive on both food and blood. We met three others like Swan they had been around for hundreds of years they have caused no threat" No one even knew of they existence so how could they be a threat?

"I'd like to meet her" Aro asked I did not expect that I didn't know whether this was a good idea or not. I signalled to Laurent, Brandon, Jake and Alex to follow over I would have Swan completely protected.

"Hello Aro" Swan whispered smiling from Laurent's arms I watched the smile spread across Aro's face she was irresistible.

"What's your name young one?" Marcus asked smiling at her it seemed that Caius has stalked of knowing he has no more say in the matter. Swan has one they hearts over but was she safe around them?

"Swan, mommy calls me her little birdie" Everyone laughed she was defiantly to irresistible.

"It's an honour to meet someone like you, welcome to Volterra please meet my coven members this is Marcus my fellow leader, then the guards Jane, Alec, Chelsea, Heidi, Demetri, Felix, Afton and Renata" I knew this was not all of the guards but the only guards in the room. I kind of hopped we could tell them then go but I guess we had to stay on their good side now, maybe the day here wouldn't hurt as long as my family stayed in my sight.

"It's good to meet you all" Swan giggled only Heidi and Chelsea greeted her everyone else stalked off.

"Jane where you going I thought we could hang out, do a little catching up?" I asked trying not to laugh but she hissed at me and ran off.

"How long are you in Italy for young Isabella?" Aro asked me I could see the hope in his eyes wanting me to stay longer then a night, maybe even forever. Could he be dealing with Swan easily to true and persuade me to join him?

"Only until tonight, can I take your picture with Swan I'm making her a photo-album..." It felt weird asking to take the Volturi's picture but I wanted to show every part of her life.

"Certainly" Aro agreed then he, Marcus, Chelsea and Heidi stood together with Swan in the middle smiling. The Volturi were not that bad when they was at their home it's like they have taken they mask of but when business comes the mask goes back on. I guess the four in the room with my family right now were not a threat, that was probably due to me and the respect for they master. I wonder whether Jane keeps the mask on to hide her emotions?

"How lovely guests for the day, how about a tour?" Aro asked maybe he was just being nice in attempt to win me over I wasn't sure but I might as well play along.

"Sure" I nodded then held Swan's hand as Aro lead us all around the castle to everyone's rooms. Jane and Alec where sat in they room together staring at the wall like statues, it was a little weird how they shared the same room.

"Jane, Alec may I have a picture with you?" I asked I could hear my family trying to hide they laughter but I couldn't help but smile. The only response I got was a growl.

"Jane, Alec don't be so rude to our guest" This was working out better than I planned. Of course they listened to they master so I ended up having a picture with my arms wrapped around them grinning.

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