Chapter 3- Trouble

Start from the beginning

"Since were moving to London I'm giving you a big responsibility find us a house and design it and decorate it however you want" I said smiling as a massive grin spread across his face.

"Really? I have so many ideas" He said with excitement then he walked out of the room thinking out loud about the colour schemes and the type of house. The only problem with London was when we went to school we have to wear uniform but Maddy has always wanted to go London it was her go to choose where we live. When my father finds out maybe I should have everyone in Fork's forget the memory of me and the Cullen's ever being they. Mike was able to make you forget a memory he was very powerful. I am now able to control my emotions I can make my target feel any thing from negative emotions some can cause them pain but I was now able to control when I wanted these emotions to effect someone. I went to my walk in wardrobe to change into my hunting clothes which was a pair of tight jeans with a top and jacket then I had my running trainers.

"Mom I was thinking of buying us matching outfits! Were look so cute!" Maddy said as I entered the dinning room she was defiantly Alice's niece. Maddy and Max didn't want to have anything to do with they Aunt for what they did to me it was sweet of them but they couldn't betray family because of me.

"Yeah that sounds like a good idea" I said smiling if it made her happy then I was happy she skipped across the room giving me a hug.

"Let's go hunting" I said noticing that Jake was finished he got up and ran outside to phase then we followed out. Laurent and Max jumped off the roof of our house as they rooms were at the top then we all took off running. I allowed everyone to go off and hunt on their own as long as I could hear them just in case they was any danger.

Me and Laurent took off after a group of moose they had an unusual taste but were always easy to find. We leaped on top of them snapping they necks then draining they blood clean. I heard Maddy scream we instantly ran over Jake had his teeth bared standing in front of Maddy. I followed his eyes to see Edward standing they with his hand out for me but he suddenly dropped his hand as his face changed.

"Bella I don't want you" He said hearing them words again made my world come crashing down again he looked the same from when he left me but now with my new eyes I could see every detail he was even more perfect was it possible?

"Edward..." I whispered weakly I noticed my family look at me with confusion like they didn't see Edward why was he here was he trying to make me hurt even more?

"Bella do you see Edward?" I nodded "I see Adrian" Laurent said I didn't know who Adrian was but why did he see someone different from me. I couldn't even look at the Edward across the field as he kept repeating the words he told me when he left.

"I see my old mom" Maddy said then she turned to Max he could see the same as well did everyone see someone different?

"Perhaps it's an illusion of someone who you fear or has hurt you in your life" Laurent thought out loud it made sense since everyone saw something that caused them to hurt.

"Well done Laurent I knew you would work it out" A man said walking onto the field he had long black hair that was tied back into a pony tail he looked around the age of twenty. He stood at 5 foot with pale skin he looked like trouble I watched him look at our faces then his eyes laid on me with a smile.

"The young Bella it's an honour to finally meet you I'm Adrian and this is my sister Alva" Adrian said pointing to himself then at the Edward that disappeared leaving a small girl at 4 foot 8 with long black hair then a pale face with the bright red eyes like her brother she looked about the age of eighteen.

"Can I ask what you want?" I knew they was trouble since Laurent saw Adrian with the fear and I could see the shock on his face. I put my shield around my family protecting us but I was ready to attack.

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