When I don't say anything he continues.

"Look Haz—" he pauses and places a hand over mine, and I look down at it, my mind kind of all over the place. I was rolling in a wave of uncertainties, and confusion. "—it's weird I know but—" he stops again, sliding closer and I'm still lost in the now crashing waves of my conscience.

Our shoulders are touching.

Before I know it he's leaning in and, mindlessly, I am too.

We kiss and I react, this time on my own free will though my actions write out how hesitant I am.

Pulling away I speak finally, "didn't you just break up with Eleanor?"

He chortled lightly, "I don't think I ever really liked her."

"Girls before that?"

"I don't know. I honestly don't."

"What are you expecting from this?" I ask motioning between he and I.

He shrugs lightly, "It's sudden, I know. But I want to give it a try, that make sense?"

"Yeah, you want to me to be your experiment." I say furrowing my eyebrows, a bit offended, I stand up.

"No, Harry no it's not like that. I've always had this certain fondness for you? I didn't know what it meant before but now I do."

I don't say anything for a moment, eyeing him in contemplation.

"I'm tired." I say finally, sighing.

"You don't even have to answer me right now." Louis says quickly, "Get some rest, mull it over. I'll completely understand if it's too weird. I've got to get back to work before I get fired. See ya tomorrow."

I grunted in agreement.

Laying back down as Louis exited my room, dropping my head into the pillow, my hair falling in my face, sighing I blow it out my face.

Staring at the ceiling, the physicality of how tired I really am hits me and I find my eyes closing bit by bit.


I wake up, and go to check the time but flinch at the brightness of my phone, blindly I turn the brightness down. Still it felt bright and I was only able to peek out of one eye. It was 6 In the morning, I slept for a really long time. I also had a message from Niall, it said he stated that he was coming over. I furrowed my brows, I look realising there was light coming seeping from the closed bathroom door. Hearing the toilet flush, and tap run, the light turns off and out walks Niall.

Most people would find it creepy, weird, and stalker-ish to have their friend walk out of their bathroom, in their house without their knowing. But this is that "Dynamic" that Louis referred to, Niall and we don't really have boundaries. We've known each other our whole lives, we're completely comfortable with one another.

All of the touching, Louis mentioned, is all platonic. I'm sure of it.

The thought of platonic friendship brings my thoughts to Louis, and the thought of a not-so-platonic frie—relationship?

I'm not totally against it, at least I don't think so.

I realised how lost in thought I am when I realise, Niall is now looking at me, as I am just staring at the bathroom doorway.

"Har, you okay?" Niall asks.

"Yeah. It's nothing." I say smiling at him reassuringly.

"Harry." He says, seeing right through my facade. I'd lie again but Niall knows me too well.

"Ok, so you know after school and all that mess that happened yesterday, with Louis and Eleanor?" I ask making sure he's up to speed.

"Yeah and that kiss."

"Yeah that kiss." I say slowly. "Well after all of that, Louis came over—"

"I thought he had to work?" Niall queried, interrupting.

"Yeah, he did but he took his break to come here, he told me—" I pause. "He told me he liked me?" Not believing the words that I myself were quoting.

Niall gaped at me.

"Yeah that was my reaction to."

"Do you—" Niall trips over his words a little, "Do you like him too?"

"I don't know Niall. I don't not like him? I don't know Ni, it's not something I ever took into consideration, I was under the impression that he was straight."
I shrug. "He wants give 'this' a try."

"What are you going to do?" Niall asks.

"It wouldn't kill me to give it a try."

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