“I know what you mean.” He opens his arms gesturing me to crawl into them which I do. I rest my head in the crook of his neck draping my legs across the arm rest. We look up at the stars admiring them before I see a shooting star.

“Quick! Make a wish!” I close my eyes and make my wish.

Harry chuckles but whispers in my ear, “I already have my wish.”

I look up at him smiling. “Me too.” I kiss his lips sweetly and return to my original position.

“What’s your favorite thing to do on a Saturday?” He asks me.

“Hmm.. When I’m in school, I like to take the day off and relax. Normally I find a bike trail and I ride my bike exploring new trails.” I smile. “You?”

“I don’t really know. I normally have to work on Saturdays but last Saturday was my favorite.” He says looking down at me.

“It was my favorite too.” I whisper looking into his sparkling green eyes that I’ve fallen in love with. Is it too soon? Maybe but I don’t care.

He leans down and pecks my lips once more and hugs me tighter to him. I rest my hands on his chest and slowly drift to sleep unknowingly.

I feel myself being lifted up but I don’t awake but once I’m being laid on my bed and his arms leaving me I reach out in my half slumber.

“Stay.” I plead with my eyes still closed.

I hear him chuckle but lay beside me allowing me to curl into his side not knowing what he’s thinking about. He’s worried about losing someone because of what he did. What does he do? Don’t travel agents, travel? And what is this secret that Harry has? There’s no other woman which I’m glad for. Louis has a secret that he’s told Eleanor which leaves her in danger. What could this secret be?

I hear a high pitched cackle and I look to my right to see Eleanor glaring down at me.


“You honestly thought you’re my friend, Scar?” She laughs evilly. This is not my Ellie. Her eyes are darker than I’ve ever seen she looks possessed.

“What do you mean?” I ask.

“Friends don’t keep secrets from each other do they?” She laughs and opens the door and Harry and Louis come into the room.

“Yeah, Scar.” I hear Harry says before laughing and pointing at me. Soon they’re all laughing at me and Eleanor comes and slaps my cheek.

I jolt up out of sleep and I look around hoping to find Harry which I don’t. I walk to the bathroom and wash my face being as that nightmare caused me to get all sweaty. I sigh before walking downstairs to get some water before returning back to my room closing my door. Where’s Harry and why did he leave?

I return to bed climbing in and falling back asleep this time with no bad dreams.

When I awake the next morning I go downstairs to see Eleanor crying.

“El? What’s wrong?” I take her in my arms and she cries into my neck.

“Shh.. it’s okay love. I’m right here.”

“Louis had to leave for a couple of weeks and I have to plan this wedding without him. He said he’d be back a week before the wedding though.” She sniffles.

“You have me.” I smile at her. She nods slightly before narrowing her eyes at me.

“You have makeup all down your face. You never forget to wash your makeup off before bed and your eyes tell me you’ve been crying.” She says skeptically. She’s a very good observer.

“I fell asleep talking to Harry last night and I had a nightmare last night. No big deal.” I shrug my shoulder walking to the kitchen to fix breakfast.

“Okay. If you’re sure.” She sits down flipping through the magazine.

We talk wedding details for a couple of hours writing out everything she wants for the wedding. Luckily Eleanor and I have both planned out our weddings when were 13 so now we just have to make sure we have everything.

“We’ll go dress shopping later this week.”

“And cake testing.” I say brightly excited. Free cake? Hell yes.

“Same old Scar.” She laughs. We call to make an appointment and decide to go get our hair done.

I decide on cutting about a foot off my hair. My hair was down to my bum but now it’s to the middle of my back and it looks healthier. We then go to get manis and pedis before returning home.


The next four weeks are slow because Harry hasn’t texted nor called. Did I do something? Louis calls Eleanor almost every night and she excitedly tells him what all she’s done that day. He apologized for having to stay longer than he thought which she was okay with. We’ve gotten the dresses and Mandy and Rachel came down to get fitted. The wedding is in two weeks, I hope Harry is back so he can be my date but I doubt he wants anything to do with me since I haven’t heard from him since my birthday.

“Heard anything yet?” Eleanor asks me and I shake my head sadly.

“He said he never got close to people because his job always uprooted him but what does a travel agent do?”

Eleanor shrugs her shoulders hugging me but not saying anything. I fell hard for Harry. He said he’d catch me when I fell and he didn’t. He left. 


I really didn't plan on both updates having to do with a birthday. It just sort of happened. 

Please comment your theories if you have any! I would love to know what you're thinking :)

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Much love xx

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