3. I'm Always Running Into You

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I arrive at the restaurant Harry texted me and I realize I'm 10 minutes late. Wonderful. I walk in the small place looking for Harry and a waiter comes to me.

"May I help you?" Thank goodness he speaks English.

"I'm looking for a friend. Tall, brown curly hair, green eyes."

"Oh yes, yes, follow me."

I grin at him hurrying to catch up my heels clicking against the floor. Seated in the very back of the restaurant is Harry who is looking at his watch.

"Here we go ma'am." The waiter pulls out the chair for me to sit. "Thanks." I tell him before he leaves.

I turn to Harry and he looks mad. "You're late."

"Sorry, I got a little lost."

"I was afraid you stood me up"

"I would never do that to anyone."

"Good to know. I ordered you sweet tea." He finally smiles at me.

"Tanks." I reply suddenly feeling nervous again.

"I also ordered you food. You seem like an eater so I ordered you the special." He says before taking a sip of his water. My mouth drops. Did he just call me fat?

"No! I didn't mean it like that. Erm, It's just last night I saw you order your food. I mean you're incredibly fit." He smacks his hand against his forehead hiding his eyes looking 6 years old.

I chuckle at him. "It's okay."

He opens his fingers peeking through the small hole he just created.

I laugh and nod at him.

"Okay. Good."

"You're incredibly fit also." I say trying to sound confident and flirty.

"You have no idea." He winks to me.

One point for Harry. Zero for Scarlett.

I feel the heat rising to my cheeks but luckily the waiter brings our food out so I don't have to respond. I can feel Harry watching me while I marvel at the food. Be sexy. Don't be a slob. Don't drool over the food.

Too late.

I grab the fork twisting the pasta around and shove it into my mouth before making an inhuman noise.

"Wow." Harry chuckles.

"Sorry." I blot my mouth trying to seem lady-like.

"No... It was cute."

I scrunch my nose. "No it most certainly was not." I say embarrassed.

"Let’s just see what others noise you can make."

Two for Harry. Zero for Scarlett.

"Stahp making me blush!" I whisper/yell not wanting to gain any attention.

"But it's oh so fun."

I shake my head continuing to eat with manners. Once we both finish Harry gets up walks to the back of my chair pulling it out and taking my hand helping me up. After I'm up he drops my hand which I mentally frown at. He has such nice, large, strong, sexy hands. Stop Scarlett! He walks up paying the bill before turning to me.

"Ready for our romantic walk?" He winks once again at me.

I don't say anything but nod and he walks out the restaurant and down the sidewalk that takes us to the beach with me following behind.

"So tell me about yourself" Harry asks from beside me while we walk down the shoreline.

"Where do I start?" I laugh and take off my heels letting my toes wiggle in the sand.

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