I catch up with Mandy and Rachel although it’s only been three weeks since seeing them. I talk to Stan for a little while. Louis once said that Stan had a thing for me so I always tried to distance myself because he was just a friend to me. I talked to Charlie and Susan and how they told me they were expecting a baby soon. I was thrilled for them in the short time I’ve known them I know they’ll be wonderful parents.

I haven’t seen Harry since we ate cake nor have I seen Louis. Eleanor is talking with Rachel and everyone else is preoccupied so I wander into the kitchen for some chips they had set out.

Right when I’m about to enter I hear Harry and Louis talking both sounding angry.

“Please, I have to tell her.” Harry pleads.

“No! You can’t! It’ll ruin her.” Louis shouts.

“I know.” Harry whispers.

“Look, I know it’s hard. I wish I never told Eleanor because I see how it affects her every day. Just maybe give it some more time.” Louis says softer. Told Eleanor what? He’s not cheating is he and what does Harry have to do with it?

“There may not be much more time.” Harry sighs frustrated. “I have to tell her.”

Alright I had enough; I walk into the kitchen causing both heads to snap up. I casually walk to the chips and rotel dip. “Tell me what?” I look to Harry.

“Uhh, nothing.” He looks to the ground and I turn to Louis.

“Tell me what Lou?” He looks down as well. I scoff picking up both bowls and walking upstairs to my room upset. I walk out to my balcony enjoying the beautiful sight and delicious chips. About an hour later I hear my door open and Harry sits in the chair next to mine. He doesn’t say anything just stays quiet. I look over to him and he’s looking at the view face contorted as if he’s trying to come up with something.

“Scarlett, I-“ He starts but I cut him off.

“You don’t have to tell me.” I say quietly setting the bowls on the ground and bringing my knees up to my chest and resting my head on them.

“I want to. I just can’t.” He leans forward placing his head in his hands.

“I understand. Sort of.” I let out a short laugh.

He turns his head towards me sadly.

“There isn’t another girl is there?” I ask quietly studying his face as it drops and he reaches out to hold my hand.

“There is and never will be another girl, Scar.” He says reassuringly.

I nod and put my chin back on my knee as he rubs his thumb across the back of my hand. We sit like that for a few more minutes before I speak up hating the silence.

“What’s your biggest fear?” I ask him.

He furrows his eyebrows thinking. “Losing someone close to me due to something I did.” He looks down this time it’s me furrowing my eyebrows. Why would he lose something because of something he did. I don’t question him because I trust him. I think maybe that’s my problem, I trust too easily not pushing someone into telling me a secret because it’s their secret and they’ll tell me. Does that make me naïve? Maybe.

“What’s yours?”

“I worry about the future.” I say simply.

“Why?” He asks curiously.

“Because I don’t know what the future holds. What happens when I become a nurse? Where do I live? Do I go back home or do I stay in Manchester? What about Eleanor and Louis? We haven’t been apart for longer than a week since we were born, literally.” I shrug my shoulders. “I just don’t want to make a wrong move now that will affect my future.”

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