A New Friend?

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"So, tell me more about Christina and why do you like her." I walked over to the couch and sat next to him, handing him his juice box. Yes people, I gave him another juice box.

"I've got no idea actually, I just find her attractive. I haven't even talk to her before." He shrugged, poking the straw into it and drank out of it resembling a four year old -- I chuckled at that.

"And you just fell for her all because of her looks?" I questioned with an arched eyebrow.

"I guess you can count it as a 'crush at first sight'" He winked, drinking more juice from that wonderful box.

"You are such a boy," I muttered angrily, stabbing my straw through the juice box.

"What do you mean?"

"The way I see it is that there are two kinds of male in this world. The boys and the men. The boys are the one who treats love as a game or basically only falls for someone for their looks and not what's on the inside. All they care about is how they look. Oh look at the girl, she's hot. Gonna hit her up and get her number. And if you boys found out that the hot girl has an attitude issue, you all are fine with it -- for a while -- as long as she's hot and you will be willing to give her a chance. If it was some average girl with a rocking personality, you wouldn't even look twice much less find out whether she's someone worth keeping. Whereas for the men, they are the ones who treat love as what it really is --precious. They also do not fall for someone based on their looks. They fall for them based on what's on the inside."

"So, you're basing this off on love?"

"Not just love. On how you treat someone, something and love. How you react to someone for the first time as well though men might be shallow as well but, at least they give it a chance."

"Well, I am a teenager. I have the rights to be a boy." He defended himself.

"Not exactly. See, a 14 year old can be a man and a 40 year old can be a boy. It isn't based on your physical appearance and shit. It's based on how your mind and heart -- basically your actions and mentality -- works."

"So, can I have back my glasses?" I asked in more of a demanding tone, breaking the silence. It wasn't my fault that he sulked after hearing my explanation. He had it coming. If he wanted so desperately to be called a man, then he had better start acting like one.

"Fine," He rolled his eyes, slowly took my glasses off, "I will miss thy." I glared at him when I heard him say 'thy' making it sound like he was trying to be all poetic or how Shakespeare spoke in his generation.

"Don't speak like that. It sounds weird when you do it." I glared at him trying to muster up all my power to make it look irritated and hide the smile that was creeping on my face. He just shrugged and continued drinking while I switched on the television to find a movie.

While I was looking for it, Riley took this perfect opportunity to slap my tons of times. After finding a movie that I'm comfortable with, I turned to look at him and prepared myself for war. Childish? Yes but I'll survive.


During the entire movie, all we did was having silly slap fights instead of watching the movie. Damn, all I wanted was a nice and relaxing time but instead, my hair ended up even messier than before and I became way more fatigue.

It was finally the next day of school as I got out of Riley's car and slowly made my way towards my locker. As I was walking down the hall, I saw the one person that I wanted to see: Christina Yellow. I had no idea why but I just wanted to see how she really looked like and what did Riley really see in her. How did she get the attention?

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