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A heavy silence fell upon us when I finally spoke the words that I’ve been dying to say ever since we got together: let’s break up.  I know, I know. You all are probably thinking what kind of monster I am to be so eager to say that phrase since day 1 of the relationship. Heck, even I’ll admit that I’m a monster for wanting to say that phrase ever since the day we got together. But, he needs to pay a price for what he has done to me and all of his other exes.

Liam stared at me which his big brown eyes with pain clearly present in them. Do I feel at least a little sympathy towards him? No, I don’t and it felt good being so cold hearted.

I don’t normally enjoy the pain of others but for him, I’m willing to make an exception. See here, he confessed that he liked me a few months back and that he was willing to wait for me until I’m ready to commit myself into a relationship with him. However, a month after saying that, I found out that he got himself a new little pet of a girlfriend! Imagine the blow I felt after finding out! The nerves of him! Lying to me and giving me empty promises! If you can’t keep to your promises, I would rather you don’t make it at all.

That douchebag broke up with her promptly after about three weeks. I thought he was a player but after hearing from him that he only got together with her because it was a dare from a friend, it just made me plain mad and determined to do what I’m about to do: break him.

It wasn’t only that girl he had done a great injustice to. There were so many countless other girls that got played by him (maybe not countless, probably about let’s say 5?). I can’t just stand around and let that asshole do this to all the other girls! I demand justice to be served! And why wait for karma when you can help do karma’s bidding yourself?

I do have a heart if you’re wondering. I was shattered when I found out that he lied to me. I know shattering his heart probably isn’t the best way to help fix mine but that’s all I can do right now to do his other exes a huge favour.

“But w-w-why, Sabrina? Why do you want to break up with me? I th-thought you had feelings for me!” Liam cried in anguish, shaking both of my arms. No, I will not be swayed by him.

“Like you said, had. I had feelings for you up until the point when you lied and broke the promise,” I admitted it as calmly as I could. It was horrible trying to pretend that I didn’t mind his lies and the broken promise. It was hard to pretend that I still had feelings for him when he came back to me, asking for a second chance, thinking that I’ll be able to let that little scenario go. Well, if he truly believed that, he had another thing going for him.

“You had to lie about it, didn’t you?” I asked, filling up the silence, “You had to take that dare didn’t you? You just couldn’t let it go. You didn’t even warn me about it! You treated me as though I’m a top that you can just discard away and wear it back on again when you’re tired with the new one. Even the nicest person has their own limits and you crossed mine. Was it so difficult to at least warn me? Tell me about it? Sending me a text that only required 10 seconds of your life was too excruciating for you, right? I’m too much trouble, right? That proves how little you think, feel and care about me. I don’t want to be with someone who doesn’t have the heart for me at all.”

“But, Sabrina, please understand the situation I was in! I had to do it as quickly as possible so that I won’t lose the opportunity!” Liam pleaded, a single tear fell out from his eye.

“Oh, I understand alright. I understand that you’re a complete jackass that only cares about saving his own ass! Who doesn’t give a shit about his girlfriends and treat them like it’s their responsibility to treat you like a fucking king.”

At this point, Liam was so shocked that he was stuttering his ass off. “I know what I did was wrong. I regretted it completely. Please, give me another chance, to prove that I’m really sorry. I really do like you, hell, I love you. Please don’t do this to me. Please, forgive me.”

If he were my friend or if I were as oblivious as I wished I wasn’t, I might’ve forgiven him (blame my inability to stay angry for a really long time at my friends or family members and my naiveté). However, there’s always the mean ass side of everyone where they’re just stubborn jackasses who refuses to listen to reason and would rather stick to her own plan than to deter from it.

“Look, just give up on this already, okay? Nothing’s going to change my mind. Just save your last bit of dignity and stop begging.”

Tears were falling down Liam’s face at a rapid rate. I’ve never seen him so broken in my entire life before. Does it feel good to see someone as strong as him crumble? Maybe not but yet, maybe yes. It all depends on how you were going to look at this situation I guess. I know this is just cruel of me, not feeling sorry about breaking him but, he’s getting his just desserts and that’s all that really matters right now.

I might feel sorry about it a day or two later but right now, with the adrenaline pumping within me and only anger fuelling me on, I’m just feeling so frustrated that he’s unwilling to let go. I’m frustrated that he doesn’t feel remorseful about doing so many different kinds of shit to different girls.

This is probably going to put me in the history as the first girl to truly break Liam and serve him the justice he deserves.

Liam pushed me into him to embrace me – partly due to the fact that he does not want me to run away mid-conversation. “Please, stay by my side. I’ll make you the happiest girl in the world!” He cried, tightening his hold on me.

“I love a tight hug as much as the next girl but no. I can’t and I won’t. It’ll be better for the both of us in the long run. Just let go!” I screamed, exasperated.

“Give me on good reason, other than what I’ve done, and I’ll let you go,” Liam bargained.

I took a long and deep breath to try and compose myself. There was no way was I going to just explode and lose the cool I’m trying so hard to keep right now.

“I’m done with you, and this entire shit. I’m done pretending. I don’t like you anymore, alright? There’s someone else on my mind that I can’t forget. Just let me go!”

“What was that? What did you say?” He looked at me dubiously, not believing his ears.

“I. Don’t. Like. You. Anymore. Forget. About. Me.”

“I-I-I see… Alright then, I guess I shouldn’t bother you anymore. I can only wish you the best, I guess, with the guy. I’ll stay out of your way if..if it makes you happy,” Liam looked down dejectedly, turning his back to me to walk away.

That’s when I knew that I broke someone and did it feel good? Maybe for that small moment.



Hey guys! So this is the first chapter! I hope you guys like it, this is kinda my first book that i've written. Do give me your comments about this story!

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