Chapter 1

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Percy's POV

As I approached the front desk in the lobby of the Empire State Building, the mortals gave me strange looks. I couldn't blame them. I looked like I hadn't slept in a week, which I hadn't. Dark rings were prominent beneath my sea-green eyes and my black hair was messier than usual.

When I reached the desk, the guy behind it was still reading, so I slammed my hands on the desk, making him jump.

"I need an audience with the gods.," I said.

He barely looked up at me before saying, "I don't know what you're talking about, kid."

That made me mad.

"You have seen me go to Olympus enough times to know who I am, so give me the dam key.," I demanded through gritted teeth.

The desk clerk quickly nodded his head and handed me the key. I entered the elevator and pressed the button for the 600th floor, while some 80s song played softly in the background.

I impatiently tapped my foot as the elevator rose, eager to have my request granted by Zeus. Perhaps I should explain.

*One week ago*

I had received permission from Chiron to visit my parents this morning and saddled up Blackjack to go right after breakfast.

"Hey, Seaweed Brain.," Annabeth said as she entered the stables.

"Hey, Wise Girl. Wanna go visit Mom and Paul with me?," I asked.

"I can't, remember? I have to help Chiron teach archery today. I came to see you off.," she replied, kissing my cheek. I pulled her in for a real kiss.

"I love you, Wise Girl.," I told her with my signature smirk.

"I love you, too, Seaweed Brain.," she said with a smile. She waved at me before walking towards the archery range.

I had the terrifying feeling those would be the last words I would ever hear her say.

I immediately shook off the feeling and climbed on Blackjack's back.

"To Manhattan, Blackjack. My mom's apartment.," I told him.

"You got it, boss. Think we can stop for donuts?," he replied. I told him maybe later and we took off.

I saw flashing lights as we approached my mom and Paul's apartment building. As soon as I saw those flashing red and blue lights, I spurred Blackjack to go faster and jumped to the roof before he could even land. I sprinted down the stairs praying to the gods that the cops weren't in my parents' apartment.

I arrived at their apartment to see the door open and police officers inside.

The first to notice me was a middle-aged guy with graying brown hair. He came up to me and asked, "Son, what are you doing here?"

"This is my mom and stepdad's apartment. I came to visit from my summer camp. Where are they?," I answered.

The cop gave me a sympathetic look and said, "I'm sorry to inform you that Sally and Paul Blofis were in an accident this morning. They didn't make it."

He might have said more, but all the water fixtures in the apartment began to tremble as I shook in grief.

My parents were dead.

I turned on my heel and ran.

"Hey!," the cop yelled behind me. I ignored him and ran to the roof where Blackjack was waiting.

"You okay, boss?," he asked in concern. I shook my head and climbed on.

"To Camp Half-Blood.," I said, my voice cracking. Blackjack flapped his wings and took off.

Neither of us spoke as we soared back to camp. I wanted nothing more than to wrap my arms around Annabeth and cry for my parents. But that didn't happen.

We arrived to find most of the camp in ruins and a lot of monsters surrounding my closest friends as smaller battles raged around them. I could see hordes of rogue cyclopes, dracanae, hellhounds, empousai, and even a drakon.

By the time Blackjack landed and I unsheathed Riptide to help, it was too late.

Annabeth, Jason, Piper, Hazel, Frank, Leo, Calypso, Nico, and Reyna. All dead.

I screamed in grief and anger as an earthquake shook the land around me. I turned to the monsters that killed my friends, my family, and charged. I did not stop until every monster was turned to dust.

Then, I fell to my knees and cradled Annabeth's lifeless body in my arms as I wept. I barely noticed the surviving campers and Chiron gathering around me and the bodies of my friends.

Chiron raised his bow with tears in his eyes and the campers did the same with their weapons in respect for the fallen heroes as I cried for the family I had lost.

*Flashback end*

For the past week, I have barely eaten and I have not slept. I just sat in my cabin and sobbed, Chiron and Grover occasionally checking up on me.

It wasn't until after the funeral this morning that I knew what I wanted to do. So, I climbed on Blackjack and flew to the Empire State Building, not telling anyone where I was going.

Now, I entered the throne room of the gods. Most of them gasped at my appearance, while others gave me worried or sympathetic looks.

"Percy?," my father asked, his voice laced with concern.

"I come with a request.," I said.

Zeus gave me a confused look before asking, "And what would that be?"

I took a deep breath before answering.

"I want you to kill me."

The Lone Guardian (A Percy Jackson Fanfiction)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя