Chapter 5

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Yuki's POV

My last summer in elementary school, there was a number of record-breaking storms. Ame started to go into the mountains all the time. Emiko would go to school and go into the mountains now and again. They seemed to be very worried about the effects of the heave rains on Sensei and the plans and animals of the mountains.

Ame's POV

It was raining and Emiko and I were looking around. We walked on a fallen tree. We checked our surroundings and at all the damage, till I heard Emiko gasp. I looked at her and seen her looking down. I followed her gaze and seen a ruined nest, and new born baby birds, dead, surrounding the broken nest.

Later on we made our way home. As we got near the door, we seen Mum in the living room, fixing my old Wolf toy. She then cried out our names once she seen us walk inside out of the rain.

"Where have you been all this time?" She asked us, as she put a hand on one of our shoulders. "You're cold. Hang on, I'll get the bath ready." She said as she made her way to the bathroom.

"Sensei... hurt his leg, and he can't move." Emiko said, stopping Mum in her tracks. "He'll probably die soon." She said, about to cry.

"Some one has to take over all the things he has been doing on the mountain." I said.

"Ame. Emiko. You can't go into the mountains anymore. Do you understand?" Mum said as she stood in front of us. "Youse are only ten years old. You're still children!" Mum yelled as she shock us. "Even if a ten-year-old wolf is an adult, you're still..." She said but stopped and gasped. She then let go of us and just started at us. "Please. Please don't go into the mountains anymore. Please... For me." She begged. Emiko and I opened our mouths in shock, and looked at her.

Yuki's POV

Everyone at school has been talking about Sohei's Mum getting remarried and stuff. Right now I was standing in the hall, thinking, while Sohei was playing basketball with all his mates. I was torn away from my thoughts when I heard the ball go threw the hop and the ones on Sohie's team screamed out cheers.

I spent the rest of the day, being quiet. I haven t really talked as much as I did before, before I had the fight with Ame and Emiko got hurt because of it. When I got home,everything was quiet, we had dinner, I did my homework, we had our baths, got ready for bed and went to bed. Still been like tat since the fight, hardly any talking to one another.

Emiko's POV

It was early morning, still dark outside, and I could tell something bad was going to happen tomorrow, I couldn't sleep, because of that felling. I sat up in bed, and so did Ame, we both thought the same thing. We both got out off bed and made our way out of the room. We looked back inside the room, at mums sleepy face and then closed the door. As we opened the front door, we just stood there, looking outside like a guard dog. We then sat down at the door mat, and watched the outside.

We sat there watching the tress and grass dancing with the wind, and stayed there till morning. When everyone was awake, we had the radio said that it would be sunny during the day, but that heavy rains will come during the evening all the way threw night. Yuki was just putting her shoes on, and was then about to leave for school.

"Yuki..." Ame said, as we walked up to her.

"Um." She hummed.

"Stay home today." I said.

"What?" She asked, confused.

"Stay with Mum." Ame said.

"Why?" She asked, as she stood up.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2016 ⏰

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