Chapter Eight: Morning Surprise

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You yawned as you slowly woke up, sunlight streaming through the window illuminating you face. You covered your eyes as you sat up straight, ears twitching as you stretched out you back.

You slid off the bed and shuffled over to the closet, slipping off the nightgown. You grabbed a violet maid's dress and pulled it on, tying a black apron around your waist. You slipped on some white tights and stepped into black slippers. Walking back over to your vanity, you sorted out your hair and slipped back on the headband, making sure your ears were covered. Quickly checking to see if your tail was hidden, you sighed before walking out of your room.

You made your way down the hall, eventually finding yourself outside the kitchen. You peeked in and saw Baldroy working away at the stove, preparing breakfast.

You cleared you throat lightly, making your presence know as you stepped into the kitchen. The cook spun around on his heels, before grinning slightly.

"Oi, so you're this (Name) Finny and Mey-Rin have been talking about, hmm?" he chuckled, wiping his hands off on his apron, an American accent present in his voice.

"Yeah, that's me," you replied, giving him a closed-eye grin, "And you must be Baldroy, right?"

"Yes. But those two won't stop talking about you. Finny wouldn't stop saying how pretty he thinks you look, and Mey-Rin went on and on about how nice she thinks you are. Sebastian over-heard them talking, and I think he got a little bit jealous." he sighed, rolling his eyes.

"Well it's nice to know they like me at least," you laughed, "Anyway, what do I have to do to get some food?"

"Oh, nothing at all. I've got some fruits and pastries over there, grab anything you'd like." he smiled, before turning back around to continue his work.

You walked around the kitchen and picked a crimson red apple out of a basket of various fruits. Before walking out of the room, you called out, "Thanks Bard!".

You roamed the halls, biting into your apple. You knew you had some time before your duties officially began for the day, so you decided to explore the mansion a bit.

You wandered around the west wing for a short while, gazing up at the paintings and tapestries. You were about to take another bite of the apple, before being grabbed and pulled aside.

You yelped quietly and looked up, relaxing slightly when you saw it was Sebastian standing next to you.

"Oh, hi, Sebastian." you smiled, looking up at him.

"Hello, (Name). I finished reading your little... book." he said, offering the manga back to you.

"Oh, thanks." you replied, grabbing the book with your free hand, "So, what did you think of it?"

"It was a nice book- finely detailed. It's just a bit... well, disturbing reading about your life." he answered, shrugging his shoulders slightly.

"Ah, I understand what you mean. That would be weird to see that someone's written about your life without your knowledge." you responded, smiling a bit awkwardly, placing the book in the pocket of your apron.

"So, seeing as you've read books about this universe... how much do you know about me?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, for starters I know you have your contract mark on the back of your palm." you stated, pointing to his left hand, "There's a reaper who has a massive attraction to you"(you saw him physically cringe at the mention of said reaper) "And that you modeled the current way you look after Ciel's late father... Just to name a few things." you listed off.

"Oh, you also have a fondness for cats." you added, lifting your apple to your mouth.

Before you could take a bite, though, Sebastian lowered your hand.

"Well, yes, I suppose you could say I have quite a fondness for them. And that includes you, kitten~" he whispered huskily, lowering his face near yours.

A bright pink blush covered your cheeks, laughing a little nervously. "A f-fondness? For me? You're joking."

"Would you like me to prove it, (Name)?" he questioned, your name rolling off his tongue.

"Ah, well-" but you were cut off.

Your eyes went wide when he put his lips on yours, giving you a short, chaste kiss.

He pulled back, smirking at you. "I'm sorry, kitten, but I do believe my master is calling for me. However, I'm sure we'll continue this later."

And with that he walked off, leaving you a blushing, flustered mess.


For the rest of the day, you were ditzy and bubbly, and very, very happy.

And the other servants took note of this.

"Hey, Mey-Rin, do you think there's something wrong with Miss (Name)?" Finny quietly asked her, while you swept the floor cheerily, dancing to a song in your head.

"Maybe she just had a good sleep..." Bard offered.

"Can't you two let the girl be happy? Just leave her alone." Mey-Rin sighed, walking away from the two confused boys.


Ah, I'm sorry the chapter's shorter than normal. I just wanted to put something out for you guys!~

What a Cute Little Kitten (Neko!Reader x Sebastian)Where stories live. Discover now