Chapter Six: Curiosity Killed the Cat

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Does the title of this chapter scare you guys? It should...


Soon, you had eventually gathered enough courage to leave the room you were in. You glanced both ways down the hall and slowly stepped out, cautiously closing the door behind you.

"Alright. I'll just run back to do my work. If I complete my duties quick enough, I can stay in my room for the rest of the night and not have to worry about Sebastian." you thought aloud, walking down the hall.

After a few minutes of walking, you paused in front of a painting and looked around confused. You smacked yourself in the forehead and groaned, coming to a realization.

"Ugh, I'm lost, aren't I? I wasn't paying attention when I ran... crap.." you mumbled, pinching the bridge of your nose, "None of the staff are around to help me... Come on (name), use your knowledge from the manga and the anime!"

"Judging from the tapestries and wall, and the fact that I ran to the right when I left the kitchen, I am in the... east wing of the mansion. Meaning I have to go... this way to get to where the servant's quarters are!" you exclaimed, pointing to the left to emphasize your point.

"I do believe you mean to go the opposite way, Miss (name)." an all too familiar voice behind you mused.

Your eyes widened as you turned, coming face-to-face with a particular butler. "S-sebastian...!" you panicked.

"You have some questions to answer (name)," he stated simply, his unwavering gaze making you squirm nervously where you stood.

"Well, I, uh... You're not going to leave me alone until I give you a straight answer, are you..." you sighed, looking down at the floor.

"That is correct, (name). And I suggest you give me the answers quickly, because I have my own duties I must attend to. I left Bardroy to handle the dinner, and I'm afraid he may burn it if I stay away any longer." he muttered.

You silently smiled at his remark, but slowly looked up at Sebastian again. "Well... I... I don't know how to answer you..." you mumbled, averting your gaze from the man.

"What was that, (name)?" he replied, placing his hand under your chin and pulling it up so you were forced to look up at him.

"Um, I..." you mumbled. "I guess my sense of smell is strong?" you nervously laughed, spitting out the first excuse that came to mind.

"Why would a kitten like you know what a demon smells like?" he asked, raising an eyebrow as he brought his face closer to yours.

Your face flushed red when you noticed the small proximity between the two of you. "L-look, Sebastian," you stammered, "Why don't we discuss this later? If- If you let me get back to my duties, and we finish preparing everything for tonight, I'll tell you how I know." 

"Do you swear it?" Sebastian questioned.

"Y-yes." you quickly answered.

"How do I know you're not lying, kitten?" he retorted.

'Is that his new nickname for me?' you wondered, but shook the thought from your mind. "I promise, I'm not." you replied confidently.

"Alright, then. But I expect an answer from you by midnight. And it better be the truth." he smirked, letting go of your chin.

You nodded, and breathed out a shaky sigh. You turned and began to walk away, but were stopped when you felt a hand grasp your arm.

"By the way, you look absolutely adorable when you blush, kitten." you heard him whisper in your ear. 

A slight shiver went own your spine and you felt him let go of your arm. You didn't bother looking back at him as you walked down the corridor, but you could feel his gaze boring into the back of your head.


About an hour later you had finally finished with your duties. You sighed as you walked back to the area of the mansion that held the staff's rooms, and paused as you passed by the dining hall.

You could hear the clatter of silverware against plates, and the idle chatter both Ciel and Elizabeth. 

"It's best that I don't interrupt." you mumbled, before continuing your walk.

Soon you found yourself back in the room that Ciel had given you. You walked in, shutting the door behind you quickly. 

You paced the room for a few minutes, the events of the day replaying in your head.

"How could I have just blurted that out?" you sighed, slapping yourself in the forehead. "He definitely finds me suspicious now, I seriously doubt he trusts me know..." 

"And- and how can he just be so... so... manipulative? That doesn't even feel like the right word but I'll use it for now," you seethed, "he just bent my words around, and the way he talks just... ugh, he's so frustrating! But he makes me just... melt when he speaks like that... It's infuriating how persuasive he can be..."

You fell backwards onto the bed and rubbed your temples. "Luckily, I won't have to deal with him until later..." you muttered, gazing at the wall clock that said it was currently half past eight o'clock.

'What should I do in the meantime...? Mey-Rin's probably busy somewhere in the mansion, who know's what Bard's doing, and Finny's most likely out in the garden with Pluto.' you thought, looking up at the ceiling.

You looked over at the shelves and noticed an array of books lining the top shelf.

"Ooh~" you breathed out, a leather bound book with silver lining catching your eye. "I think I've found my distraction~" you grinned, hopping off the bed and grabbing the book off the shelf.

" 'Phoenix Feathers; Dragon Scales' " you breathed out, your fingers tracing over the title as you read it aloud.


Three hours later, you had just finished reading the whole book. "That was-" you began, but were cut off by an audible yawn, "-interesting"

Before you could say anything else, you slowly closed your eyes, and slid against the pillow as you drifted off, fatigue taking over your consciousness.



"Kitten? Did you fall asleep?" a far off voice asked. 

You snapped out of your peaceful state, and looked up, only to have your (e/c) eyes lock with bright crimson ones.


Yay, another cliff hanger. Don't worry, I know you guys hate me for it XD

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