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A Great Big World ft. Christina Aguilera- Say Something


Get out of the packhouse now. I shouted opening my mind up to everyone. Get out of the packhouse!

Steele and I ran back towards the cliff and shifted to make the jump. I watched as everyone began to run out. Annie is helping everyone get out trying to keep them from panicking. She tossed me a backpack while Nate tossed one at Steele. As we shifted back I gave the order to take everyone into the old house. As the last of them entered the old packhouse another explosion rocked the territory. I took Cam's phone dialing Dylan's number.

"Hey, cam what's going on?"

"Dylan, listen to me. Evacuate the territory now. Get everyone as far away from there as you can. Do it right now, Dylan,"

"What's going on?"

"I'm headed over there now with help. Dylan, do as I say, please,"

"Everyone is getting out," he said.

"Hurry and get them away from any building there,"

"Fuck," he growled as the line went dead.

"Nate, I need fighters and anyone prepared for emergency situations right now. We're headed to Dylan's,"

"I'm bringing my wolves too," Steele shouted running back towards us with Luis behind him.

"I want all sides to be guarded. Nate, no one gets in or out do you understand?" he nodded getting into beta mode. "Let's go,"

The run to Dylan's territory is a short one in wolf form. When we got there fires were all the way around the territory.  People were running into the woods trying to find cover. I gave the order to give them assistance. 

Dylan is running around going through the house getting anyone that was injured out. So that's what I started to do as well. I rolled over on the mud covering my fur so that I wouldn't catch fire easily. My wolf start began to cry out to those who were injured as we pulled them out of their burning homes. Forgiveness is nowhere in my mind for this mother fucker. He's dead as soon as I can get my hands on him he won't live to breathe another breath.

"That's everyone Martak," Dylan appeared in some shorts he handed Steele some too. "What the fuck is all of this Martak?"

"Here you go alpha," Luis panted handing me a robe. I shifted and put it on.

"It's Reese. It's always been Reese he blew up my packhouse," I said. 

"Son of a bitch," he growled. 

"I am so sorry for all of this. I shouldn't have trusted him,"

"It wasn't your fault, Marty," he said looking around. 

"Dylan, there were six casualties," Devon said running towards us. "Alphas,"

"Who?" Dylan asked. Devon looked away. "D!"

"Stan, Mike, Ralph, Ana, Stace, and Minerva," he whispered her name looking anywhere but his brother.

"What?" we all said at the same time.

"She was hit with an explosion trying to protect some pups,"

"Get everyone to the villas in my pack, Devon. Medical is ready for all of you," I said watching Dylan start to freak out. "Go now," 

"Dylan," Steele said. "You have to keep it together right now for your pack,"

"I told her not to come back in," he whispered. "She was safe with Nati and Jay,"

"Dylan, we have to get everyone medical attention and we have to look for Reese," I said putting my hand on his shoulder.

"What am I supposed to tell our kids?" he asked. My chest clenched with a very familiar ache.

"We'll figure it out once everyone is safe, Dylan. I promise to help you in any way I can buddy but right now we have to get everyone out of here," Steele said trying to calm him down. Dylan nodded looking at him.

"Thank you," he mumbled. "We should get everyone out of here,"

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