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Billie Eilish- Bad Guy


He sat there talking about how he doesn't think it was a great idea to allow Dylan into the alliance. The same complaints and reasonings that started two years ago. If they hadn't worked then they sure as hell wouldn't work now that he was part of the alliance. Bart Dumb ass, I mean Dumas always has something to say even after all these years and the other stupid alphas follow his lead. It made me question who the biggest bitch in the room is. He tied with a couple of others.

"Why don't you give it a rest already Dumas. Since alpha Dylan joined the alliance the rogue population has gone down sixty-two percent," Someone said trying to shut him up.

"Because he is the rogue leader," he shouted pointing at Dylan who sat three seats down from me.

"Interrupt anyone again and I will beat you with my fucking chair," I growled. His eyes met mine with challenge. He's daring me to do it and it's cute because he thinks I won't do it. "He has helped in aiding in outside attacks, he has helped triple all of our trading and profits within the last year or have you forgotten that the reason you drive a brand new Mercedes is because his beta helped you out of bankruptcy? What the fuck have you done for the alliance since you signed huh?"

"Touche," Dylan whispered playing with the napkin under his glass of water.

"Shut the fuck up, Dylan. Your smart as remarks don't help the fact that we all hate you," I growled at him. He chuckled under his breath not meeting my gaze.

"Now that we are done with your ignorant shit, Dumas. We can get to why we are here tonight," I breathed out. "Someone has been coming into my territory and leaving cute little love messages written in rogue blood on my walls and my land has been beautifully decorated with rogue limbs and heads. Now, I know some of you think that this is romantic. So, you have my attention and when I find out which one of you pieces of shit is doing this. I will use your blood to paint my fucking patio,"

"What did you expect alpha Martak? You brought a notorious killer into our alliance and expect us to respect him as if he were one of our own," I looked over at Alpha Donovan.

"This isn't how we deal with situations like this. I have an eighteen-year-old, kid in my morgue. My pack doctor is trying to put him back together like a fucking puzzle. This kid could be any one of your kids. We created this alliance to start over from all of the wars and death we have caused each other over the centuries. Alpha Dylan is no different from what we all are. We have all tried killed one another at one point. You don't want to accept him because when he did it he was better at invading than you were? The only reason he is being discriminated against is because he didn't grow up under the glorified sheets of a pack like the rest of us,"

"She's right," we all turned to face Alpha Reese. "Dylan is an ass and I hate him just as much as I hate the rest of you ass holes but the only reason we all hate him the most is because he was a rogue. Not any rogue the rogue that took shit from all of us. Martak saw something in him that none of will ever see. Even through her hatred and pain, she saw the best in him and I am willing to give him a chance because of that,"

"All she saw was his fucking dick for five years," I picked up my chair and threw it across the room hitting Bart so hard he fell back in his chair breaking it. I growled feeling the anger in me boil over. My wolf hadn't tolerated disrespect like this since Dylan had broken our bond. 

"You want to talk about dicks?" I growled. He stood up a little disoriented meeting my gaze in a challenge. "How about we address the one you have shoved up your ass?"

"Alright, that's enough," Reese laughed. "This meeting is over until we can all come back level-headed,"

No one said anything until Bart broke our stare down and walked out. I didn't leave until those who shared his opinion followed behind him. Cameron was waiting for me up front. There is no way I'd be able to sit in the car like this right now. I began to pace back and forth trying to calm her. My wolf is raging inside of me. This happened every single time Bart called a fucking meeting. That son of a bitch does this shit on purpose. I don't know why I even come to these things at his request.

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