We Meet Again...

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7 years later...

Kushina's POV

It was the first day of Sophomore year. Next year we'll be out of this dump and down the road to working at a dump. Of course I couldn't explain anything good about this school because well....when has highschool ever been good?!

I went to my class and noticed a bright-blonde headed kid I met 7 years ago. I thought I would never see him again, but look how that turned out...

I zoomed past him trying not to make him notice me. Kizashi the pink-haired kid pointed me out. "Dude! Is that Kushina?!" I growled under my breath. The blonde kid, Minato, turned to face me. His eyes widened. "Kushina?!" He hopped out of his chair and hugged me. I stood there awkwardly waiting for him to let go. "I thought I would never see you again!"

I chuckled nervously, unsure of what to do. "Um...Ok... Er me to." Weirdooo...

He let go and smiled brightly at me. He looked deep into my eyes and I tried to look away. Never thought I would say this but thankfully that little girl obsessed with Minato when we were young appeared next to him. "Kushina! Nice to see you!" I faked a smiled. "Ayuumi..." She gave me a closed eye smile and I looked around trying to distract myself. Minato noticed the tension so he ran Ayuumi off.

Thank God...

"So Kushina? Would you like to hang out later?" I rubbed my chin. "Um no." And with that I turned and left to my class.

Ehh Arigato for reading. I'm really sorry about how terrible this chapter is. It's really short but erm nuff said. I hope to see you next chappie!

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