I Tried!

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Kushina's POV

I was brushing my hair and looking in the mirror. I glanced at the scissors on my drawer. 'Grab it Kushina. Just get it over with.' I shook my head. I grabbed my things and headed back to school. 'I hope that weird kid isn't there today.' As soon as I said that, he appeared before me. A trail of flowers made a path in front of me. He was dressed nicely. He looked determined and confident. I walked towards him.

His smile widened. I simply walked past him and lifted !y head confidently and proudly. His smile faded. He wanted to say something but it seemed that he didn't figure anything out to say. One of his friends ran in front of me, blocking my way. "Wait! Please!" I lifted an eyebrow. "And why would I do that?" He was gasping for breath. "Look. He just wants to get to know you and be your friend!"

I smiled internally. 'My friend, huh? Oh this will go great' "Ok. You have my attention." He gave a wry smile. "Thank you. You won't regret it!" I snickered. "That's what I hope."

The blonde boy walked up to me. He was trembling with the flowers in his hands. I actually felt bad that I was going to take advantage of him. I gave him a sincere smile and put my hands on his shoulder. "Look. If you want to know me, just talk. You don't have to get all fancy about it." He smiled and gave a deep breath.

"S-Sorry about that. I was just shy." I folded my arms. "Well you don't seem like it." He chuckled. "I know." We stood in silence for a while. "So, what do you want to know about me?"

"Everything. Well....n-not everything." He stumbled with his words. "...but a-anything your comfortable with...if you want." He was so awkward I couldn't help but laugh. "You're funny!" He smiled slightly. "Well, my I'm from the Uzumaki clan. I hate my red hair. I like cooking and I'm the only child." He smiled and blushed a little. "Well I like your red hair. I think it's beauti-" A girl named Yuuki came up to him and clung to his arm.

"Come on Minato-kun. Let's leave this outsider alone. She's vicious." I stood up and clenched my fist. "Listen you little-" She smirked. "You can't do anything to me. I'll Sue you and you'll go bye-bye." My fist in tightened. "Whatever." I huffed and turned away from them. 'Not like I had a chance with him...'

Gomen its so short! But I had to write a whole bunch of other stories. Also I had writers block so please feel free to leave ideas.

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