14: Gail and Grace

Start from the beginning

"No, Micheal. If you're going to kill her, do it yourself." I said.

He looked at me, then looked at Gail, then shook his head at his guy. "Fine."

He stared at Gail wistfully, one last time, and put his hand on her chest. Her back arched for a second, then fell back down. In an instant, she was dead.

I fell to my knees. I knew I should have been happy that she went peacefully, but I wasn't. She would have wanted to go down fighting, like a hunter. Water hit my hand, and I realized I was crying.

"No," I whispered, "No."

"She felt no pain, Keistelle." Micheal said.

I couldn't retort. I couldn't move. Gail was gone. Innocent little Gail was gone. I had made a promise to protect her, and I didn't. I failed.

"I'm sorry Keistelle, really, I am." Micheal said, "If you had let her go a long time ago, it wouldn't have come to this."

"She still would have died," I said, "Someone would have picked her off the playing field the moment I let her go. And you know it, Micheal."

Silence passed between us for a few minutes. Micheal's two minions looked uncomfortable.

"I don't want to kick you while you're down, but we also need something from you, Keistelle." One of Micheal's guys said.

I stopped crying, "What could you possibly need from me?"

"Payment." He said. "For Crowley." He walked closer to me, angel blade drawn. He had a tiny vile in his other hand.

But I wasnt focused on him. I was staring at Gail's lifeless body. How could she be gone? She was just a little girl. She had her whole life ahead of her, and I ruined it by shoving her into the hunting world.

Micheal's guy came closer to me, and for a split second, I had a realization: he was going to take my Grace. I wanted to fight, or even to move, but I couldn't. I physically could not move.

The holy fire around me extinguished with a wave of Micheal's hand, and the angel bent down to my level.

"Give me a second chance," I managed to whisper.

"You already had your second chance." The angel in front of me said. Then he made a tiny incision on my neck, and my Grace began to drip out. It poured into the little vile he held at my neck.

It felt as if my soul was being ripped from my body. It hurt more than being impaled with my archangel blade. It hurt more than losing Gail. It was the single most excruciating pain that I had ever felt.

It only took a couple of seconds for my Grace to leave me, but it felt like hours. When it was done, I fell to the ground. I slipped into unconsciousness almost instantly.

When I woke up, I was in a room with star maps on the walls. I was laying in a bed with a black and sky blue blanket over me. I was in my room in the bunker.

Cas was standing by my bedside.

"Cas, what happened?" I asked, my voice hoarse. My stomach felt like something was eating it from the inside, and my head felt like someone had jammed it with cotton balls.

"What do you remember?" He asked, avoiding my question.

"Crowley. And Micheal. And- and Gail." My eyes welled up with tears. "Did you save her?"

He shook his head regretfully, "It was too late when we found you." He paused and looked at me. "Are you alright?"

"No, Cas, I am not alright. The single most important person to me just died. And my Grace has been taken from me." I said in one breath.

"I'm sorry, Keistelle."

"Cas," I said, "Don't be sorry for the things that you couldn't have helped."

He looked at the ground.

"Cas look at me and give me a straight answer to the question I'm about to ask you. Understand?" He nodded.

I took a deep breath and said, "Cas, am I human?"

He took a minute before saying, "Yes."

So, that happened. Also, I updated! Thanks for reading it! If you enjoyed, please vote and comment as it would be just awesome!

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