4: Go Apologize!

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Picture of Adam (played by Lucas Till)

Blake's POV

I felt kinda guilty that I punched Nicole. That good boy that I was before my older sister committed suicide and the girl I loved broke up with me still shows up sometimes. But it never really happens anymore. I thought I was starting to get rid of the person, and be this bad boy. But, I just punched Nicole in the face. Nicole was beautiful. Her perfect brown hair and bright blue eyes. Her confidence. I sighed as I sat in the principles office. Nicole was in the hospital because of me. I hit her too hard. But I had to get my point across. I am the alpha, and if anyone tries to mess with me, I would take care of them. Still, Nicole didn't deserved to be punched. That son of a bitch Nathaniel, who started that damn fight deserved to be punch. I see my mom walk into the principles office, a angry look on her face. She closes the door. "Fuck Blake! What where you thinking? Why would you ever punch a girl!" She yells, I flinch. "I-" she cuts me off. "You are so lucky that I work in this district, or you would be expelled." She says. I smirk. "Blake, this is not funny. You are going to collage in 2 years. You can't have all these damn black marks on your records!" My mom yells. "Now you are driving over to that hospital and apologizing, we will decide the rest of your punishment later." My mom says. "Mom, I'm not apologizing to her." I say. And she smirks that time. "Oh hell you are." She says, and I sit up, and I go to the hospital.

  "I'm here to see Nicole." I say to the lady at the front desk. She types in something on the computer. "I'm going to have to call in and see if she is awake yet." The lady says, she calls. "Hi. Someone here wants to see Nicole Hollister. Is she awake? Yes. Okay. Thanks. Bye." She says, and looks at me. "Second floor room 6." She says. "Thanks." I mumbled. "Are you her boyfriend or something?" She asks, and I smile. "No, I'm her neighbor." I say, not wanting to tell the truth.

I open the door, and Nicole and her parents are in the room. I gape once I see Nicole. Fuck, what did I do? She has a purple, bruised cheek and her lip is swollen with a cut on it. She glares at me, and her parents look at me confused. "Who is this? Your boyfriend?" Her mom asks. Nicole shakes her head. "No. This is the boy who punched me." Nicole says, her voice shaking. Her dad stand up, anger in his eyes. "You son of a bitch! What the hell are you doing here!" He yells, spitting a little. "I'm here to apologize to Nicole."

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