3: The Bad Boy Punched Me

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Picture of Eli (played by Austin North)

"Nikki! Time for school." My brother, Adam yelled. Adam is a year older than me. And since my parents are at work, he gets me up in the morning. I was already ready for school, I just needed him to take me since my parents never will buy me a car. I can drive a car. Most of juniors can. I run downstairs. Adam looked a little bit like me. He had blonde hair, I had brown. We both had blue eyes. Adam is the most popular kid at our school. I am the most popular Junior at our school. I hop into Adam black truck, and he starts driving.

I finally get to school, and head towards my first class, P.E. I go into the locker rooms, crap I was so close to being late. My friend, Hannah, is getting dressed. "Hey. Did you hear about the hot new boy?" She asks, and I think. "Oh, you mean Blake?" I say. "Brown hair, dreamy blue eyes, he the second hottest boy in school." Hannah says, and I raise an eyebrow. "Whose the first?" I ask, and she smiles. "Your brother." She says, dreamily. I gag. "Ew." I say, and she laughs. "But Blake is our age, and he is a super hot bad boy." Hannah says. I smirk. He is bad all right. I think, remembering the dumb smirk on his face all last night.

• • • • • • • •

During lunch I was walking around the hallways, looking for my friend. I was actually looking for Eli. But then I see a big group, chanting. "Punch him! Punch him." My job as a leadership student is to break up fights. "Hey! Guys stop." I say, pushing through the crowds. But I see a fimilar face. Blake. God, does he want to get expelled his first day? He had his fist raised, but he froze once he sees me. Then a small smirk comes to his face. He throws the kid to the ground. "Well, well, well, I guess your girlfriend wants to take your place." Blake says, and I give him a confused look, not knowing what he means. "I don't even know that guy." I say, pointing to the dude he was beating up. I gasp when Blake grabs the collar of my shirt. "Sorry Kitten, but I have to show these people not to mess with me." Blake says, and my eyes widen when i see his hand draw back. "Wait, sto-" but he cuts me off when I see his hand coming towards me, almost in slow motion. I felt it hit my cheek, and pain erupted, as his fist dragged along my cheek to my lip, sending my sprawling to the ground. Then everything goes black.

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