Chapter 7: Are you my Mommy?

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Chapter 7: Are you my Mommy?

He walked the halls of the school quietly. It was dark, damp and dusty. He tried not to breath too deeply. As he looked into one classroom, a flashback reeled in his head.

He was a sinew athlete on the track team, he was popular and smooth. He would bully smaller kids, and was a contributing factor in a Sophmore’s suicide one year. I was a monster even then he thought. He didn’t understand what made him so evil. He thought- and had blamed it on his dead wife but now he couldn’t. The problem went even deeper, and there was a reason he was the way he was, and Sewell needed to find it. He would have to dig even deeper. There was something that made him so evil, so corrupt and devious. George attempted to leave, but another Twisted Angel appeared from one of the rooms. With a racing heart, and sweat beading on his neck the officer drew his gun and shot the creature until it fell and twitched while it died. Taking a deep breath he finally pushed through the doors of the school and left.

George walked down the foggy street until one of the houses stuck out to him. It was identical to the house that he grew up in. Deep down he hoped that this held the answers he was seeking. Quietly, almost gingerly he walked up the stairs and lit a cigarette, holding it between two leather gloved fingers. For the longest time he just stared at the closed door. Fear was creeping into the back of his brain. Paralyzing his muscles. Pulling stale air and smoke into his aching lungs, he breathed deep with a soft rattle. Sewell knew he needed to confront what was behind the door, he just didn’t want to. He field stripped his cigarette and flicked the dead butt away before his gloved hand caressed the dusty knob.

The door creaked as it opened to the bedroom. It was identical to the room he had when he was young. In the corner, suspended by it’s twisted knife wings was another twisted monster, but that’s not what Sewell saw, he saw his mother.

“I never wanted you, I’ve always hated you, you were demon spawn, the raven god. Death,” she hissed towards him.

“Why have you hated me so? Why did you make me into a monster?” he asked back. The monster twitched and cackled. Her decaying flesh tore as she twisted in her confines.

“You were born a monster George, you are sin, the devil, You can not be redeemed,” she growled in a low hiss. Anger built in Sewell’s veins. Everything came flooding back. He remembered everything she did, every ounce of pain that she inflicted, and his anger grew. She didn’t deserve the title of ‘mother’ she was a monster who had raised another.

Sewell didn’t even think when he drew his gun and shot down the twisted contortion of decaying flesh. He had completely detached himself from everything.

As the monster decayed into darkness the room decayed as well, paint fell from the walls, and the room slowly began to dissolve into a red tainted hell, that irritated Sewells viscera. For a moment he stood confused by what was happening. Limping as he moved, he began to walk down the hallway that had appeared, behind the grates that enclosed him was fire, and the heat began to make George sweat. Soon, he came to the end of the hallway, where a single door stood, through it a stairwell. Holding onto the rail he made his way up the iron grate steps. Minutes ticked by, but no end was in sight. Finally George turned back, and twelve steps later he encountered the door. His head was in a fog, nothing made sense to him anymore. He walked through the door and was suddenly outside the house, back in a world of fog.

“What the fuck? Shit, I bet I have a concussion,” he mumbled as he made his way towards the sidewalk. Stapled to a tree was a poster for a missing child, George didn’t even give it a second glance. It wasn’t his problem, he thought. But the poster had triggered a memory in his head, a memory and a simple voice, Murphy’s voice.

“Why did you kill Frank?”

Aggravated he took the bottle of pain pills from his pocket and took another one. He lungs still ached with every breath, his right hip, knee and foot throbbed in pain and his head ache would not leave. He just wanted to go back, back to the way things were. He had to find a way to redeem himself, he needed to prove his mother wrong.

While he yearned for redemption, he wanted it for all the wrong reasons, and the town knew that, and wasn’t about to make his redemption easy without first showing him more of his faults, sins and the real reason to want to be saved.  

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2013 ⏰

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