Chapter 3- The Devil's Pit

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Chapter 3: The Devil’s Pit

As he walked a long side the crumbled road, he found a tree that had fallen across, providing an unstable bridge. With his blackened heart pounding in his aching ears he shuffled across, with a sigh of relief when he touched stable ground. Fog rolled in thickly making the visibility low. Slowly, Sewell limped down the cluttered street until he came to a sign for the Devil’s Pit. He ran a gloved hand through his disheveled tendrils and walked up the stairs to the building. Suddenly Murphy appeared walking towards him. George pulled out his taser, and blocked the inmates path.

“Stop right there cupcake, you’re done. We’re going back to the bus,” he growled as he approached the convict. He slammed him into the wall of the building and holstered his taser before he patted down the inmate. In the pocked of Pendleton’s pants Sewell found a simple wedding band. His thin lips curled back into a snarl before he slammed the other man’s head against the wall. “Where the fuck did you get this?” he hissed.

“It was in these clothes,” he confessed. Sewell pulled out his baton and struck the man on the side of the head. George leaned against the wall and slid down.

“Eve...” he muttered. Suddenly, the officer detached himself from the foggy world and descended into a piece of his own personal torment, one of the secrets that laid down within.

“You’re not a man, George, the shit you do you should be ashamed of yourself,” Eve screamed as they drove through a torrential downpour. Rain pelted the windshield of their SUV while they argued once again.

“Fuck off, you’re such a bitch. I’ve given you everything and you haven’t the slightest respect, you cow,” he growled back. Suddenly the tires skid, and the car swerved. Eve lost control of the vehicle. They hurdled through a bridge barricade and went airbourne before the truck fell headlong into the river. Within moment George had his seatbelt off and the window broken. Desperately he tried to free his unconscious, bitter wife as water filled the cab. That was when a current pulled him from the truck and down the river. Terrified he tried to swim against it until he realized it would be too late. Aching in pain and soaked to the bone, he frantically tried to stay a float. Finally he latched onto a rock and crawled onto the sandy bank of the rushing river. He gasped for air before his face hit the sand and exhaustion consumed him.

He woke up to paramedics, and frantically told them about his wife. They assured him that she was pulled out of the river and in their care, but they were lying. She wasn’t in their care, she was in the back of the coroners hearse on her way to the morgue. He suffered several fractured and broken ribs, pneumonia and a broken leg. Physically he would recover, but the argument and his last words to his wife would haunt him and tear at his soul, allowing darkness to seep in and blacken his once sweet heart and steal his soul away.

“It’s been ten years and I still miss you,” he whispered softly, uncharacteristically. His words threw off the convict that was in his presence, but absent from his world

“Officer Sewell?” the convict asked gently. George drew his gun and raised it calmly, sadistically. He had been pulled out of his world.

“You have three seconds to remove yourself from my presence,” he hissed. Calmly Murphy ran into the fog, leaving the tormented, corrupt man to wallow in his own self loathing and pity.

There was a reason that George Sewell was evil and corrupt, and the ring that laid in his leather gloved palm was just a piece of it. It was a piece of something bigger than he would have to uncover and face in order to survive in the nightmarish hell he had now created. His horrific facets would be confronted and his sins would be exposed. He had no idea what awaited him in the cryptic town, but he would have to finish what he had started or he would lose everything. This was only the beginning of a long, twisted and exhausting journey. Murphy would prove to be the least of his worries as his demons took on a life of their own.

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