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Let me guess, you read the title and immediately came here looking for a dystopian novel about a potential alien abduction that tests friendships and turns powerful leaders against their nations creating a colossal war in which the main character has to fight for his/her life if he/she wants to save those he/she loves. In which case, you would be completely wrong.

This story is about me and my journey to greatness. I am just a "normal" 20 year old girl going to Harvard who is planning on taking over the world.

No, I am not kidding.

Just because I am currently attending one of the most prestigious universities in the world, doesn't mean I have completely rational thoughts. I do plan on taking over the world and although to you that may seem absurd, I can assure you I have very levelheaded reasoning behind my ideas. The world has been unleashed into chaos and turbulence. Paris has been bombed and casted into ruins. Detroit, where my family was currently living while I was in Massachusetts, was torpedoed. New Delhi was wiped out from a foreign man-made plague. New York City was nuked several times. London was burnt to the ground. Venice was flooded. Each and every one of these was done by an unknown alias and is continuing to occur under the same unknown figure.

Can you imagine how it feels to be watching the news one day and have the monotone voice of the news anchor, feigning sympathy, start to recollect the events of an attack in which your parents and baby brother had died? Can you imagine how many children, mothers, fathers, sisters, or brothers received the same news? How they felt their world crumble around them? Trying, without success, to find some reason to keep waking up every morning? I couldn't either until it happened to me. Now the only thing that keeps me from going insane is the fact that maybe I can do something to obviate all of this pandemonium and prevent any more fatalities.

Death, destruction, debt. All of these are significant hamartias of war. Someone needs to rise up to the platform and put the world into order no matter the cost. And that someone is me.

So that is why I am traveling to the United Kingdom right now- to be transferred to the University of Cambridge. That was my excuse, but in reality I want to get to know the people of the world a little better. Yes, I know that I can travel to any other country if I wanted to find out about different cultures. I had contemplated going to Asia to familiarize myself with the majority of the world, but I think that the UK is a great place to start to expand my knowledge on different traditions and ethnicities.

Because in truth, how can you rule the people if you don't know the people? It kills me when I just look around and see so many solemn faces, weathered by the effects of war and tragedy. I want to bring life back to this planet under my own terms. And no matter what it takes, nothing will get in my way.

I end up in a seat next to a very large man who stinks of garlic and cigarettes. I know, disgusting. But like I said, nothing will get in my way.

Upon arriving in Cambridge and collecting my baggage, I venture outside. I see a boy selling the news shouting in a British accent,"Extra, extra read all about it! Plane shot down over Mediterranean! Read all about it! Just 2 pounds."

I quickly hurry to find a currency exchange booth and switch in a ten dollar bill for about 7 pounds. I rush back and hand the small baby-faced boy a 2 pound coin.

"Thank you, ma'am," he responds and hands me the paper.

On the front cover was a picture of a mangled plane surrounded by debris.

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