Myler:love at first sight

Start from the beginning

That night Tyler lay awake listening to Marcus' breathing. A smile spread across his face he knew he had found true love and he knew he was so lucky.

Casper lay close to Zoe their arms intwined. Casper felt safe and like he belonged.

Both boys knew this was the beggening of the rest of their lives and boy did they love it.

Chapter 2

Tyler woke early. He could sense something was wrong. He sniffed the air. It smelt not burning. Oh what was that smell. And where was Marcus!?!

Quickly, Tyler pulled back the covers and rushed out of the bedroom. He followed his nose which lead him to the kitchen where Marcus lay unconscious on the floor. Unconscious or asleep?

"Marcus....?" Tyler whisperd into the somewhat empty room.

"OMG Marcus honey are you okay??" Tears streamed down Tyler's face as he saw the awkward angle that Marcus' ankle was at he saw a banana skin on the floor and he saw a small pool of blood next to his boyfriends head. He grabbed his phone and dialled 999.

LADY: hello what's your emergency?

TYLER:Ambulance please

LADY:just putting you through--- hello ambulance what's happened?

TYLER:it's my boyfriend he's unconscious on the floor with I think a b-broken ankle a-a-and a-a.....

Tyler broke down In tears unable to speak he was so scared for Marcus.

LADY:ok take a deep breath.

TYLER: I-I l-live at 2-28 London road flat b-b

LADY: ok we will have someone there as soon as possible just keep talking to him


Tyler left the phone on the side and knelt down next to Marcus. Tears streamed down his cheeks and dropped onto the floor. A single tear dropped onto Marcus' cheek.

"Oh Marcus please wake up talk to me baby cakes"

Marcus lay motionless apart from the steady rise and fall of his chest as he breathed.

A sudden knock on the door caused Tyler to scream with fright. He then ran to the door and In rushed a team of paramedics.

"He's in the kitchen" Tyler called strutting after them.

The team of paramedics briefly interviewed Tyler and then lifted Marcus into the ambulance. Tyler texted Zoe and she promised to stay at Tyler's flat till he got back. Tyler clambered into the ambulance and the doors closed.

Minutes later the sirens stopped and bright light flooded the ambulance as the doors were swung open and Marcus was taken through to a small side room where he was checked over cleaned up and given paracetamol. He was still unconscious and the doctors were becoming worried. Tyler was a mess. He was sat in a chair next to Marcus' bed he was an emotional wreck.

"Hey hey don't cry" Marcus whispered his voice dry and quiet.

"Marcus?" Tyler whisperd

"Come on. Hang on where the hell am I? And urgh my head hurts"

"Marcus Marcus Marcus oh your okay I was so worried about you!" Tyler sobbed his head buried into Marcus' shoulder

At that moment a nurse walked into the room and explained to Marcus what had happened.

Marcus had sprained his ankle and bumped his head. The'blood' was just ketchup and not a wound.

A few hours later Marcus and Tyler were lounging on the sofa watching Bambi together. ,arcus had his arm round Tyler and Tyler was lying with his head on Marcus' chest. Both of them were half asleep.

Chapter 3 Night Fun

A few days later Marcus was bored as anything he went back to his flat for a few things but stayed at Tyler's as it was easier having some one to help you. His for was pretty much better but he couldn't walk far without it hurting so he generally stayed in making YouTube videos.

Now one evening Tyler and Marcus were sat down together and Marcus asked if they could do a video together.

"Heelloooo" Marcus said into the camera.

"Ok so today I have something to tell ya'll" Marcus continued

"But I also have a very special guest"

"Hi!" Tyler beamed coming into view of the camera

"Now Tyler is a very special guest today because well because we are"

"MYLER!!!!" The boys said in unison.

"Now you all probably think we are just going to read a fanfic but actually we are together" Tyler said realising Marcus wasnt able to word it right.

"So yeah that's what I wanted to tell you guys and now I'm going to go to McDonald's because I'm hungry" Marcus said

"I think ill join you" Tyler agreed.

They switched the camera off and Marcus laid down on the bed Tyler stood infornt of where he laid looking down at him. Marcus reached out to Tyler as if he wanted help sitting up but when Tyler held Marcus' hands Marcus pulled Tyler down into a big hug.

The time now was about 7 and they boys lay hugging.

"I do love you" Marcus sighed staring into Tyler's beautiful eyes.

------please comment and tell me what you think I'm glad you have taken the time to read it any suggestions will be greatly accepted. If you have a Myler or a Zalfie or a Zarcus fanfic or anything like that pleaseeeeeeeee say so I would LOVE to read it!!!!!!----------

Myler:love at first sightWhere stories live. Discover now