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"Do you know how this happened Mia" Trent said ask

I just shook my head from side to side I never thought that Jon could do something like this

"Well we gone run some fingers print and shit and try to figure out who this nigga is" Trent said while some boys was carrying out the dead body

" Omg Jon " I said running up the steps walking into the bathroom I seen Jon head under the water with his bloody wrist hanging out of the tube

"TRENTTT" I yelled

"Noooo please Jon don't leave me" I said pulling his cold body out of the tube

"Damn" Trent said helping me pull him out

Trent went down stairs and called 9-1-1

While I stay up here just holding his body close to mines I cried and rubbed his hair and told him that I love him

It took the people about 10 mintues to come and get him from out of my hands

They started working on him and Trent came and got me in I just broke down and his arms he carried me to the living room

About 10 mintues later we seen people coming from the be back where Jon was

One of them walked up to me with a sad look and I just started shaking my head no

"No don't tell me he's gone please" I said barely able to breath but the black body bag confirm what he was saying was true

I ran over to the body bag but Trent pulled me back before I could get to him

"Let me go let me go he needs me Trent he needs me" I kept saying over and over again


I know it's short but I'm at school and just wanted to update

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