Chapter 2| Last Day

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We move on, but the past will never be forgotten but, your present is the present.
*Kaiden's P.O.V* UNEDITED is the last day in London sadly. I have exactly 16 hours 17 minutes and 32seconds till i leave yes I really don't want to leave as you can see.

I did some pros and cons of moving to Sydney:

1. Better weather.
2. New opportunities( being optimistic).
3. Cute girls(im still a guy, geez).
4. Climb Sydney Harbour bridge (i heights consider me a daredevil, aha im funny).
5. Finally but obviously visit the zoo but wait... KOALA BEARS duh.

(Couldn't be bothered to think of more that 5 pros im a lazy person)

1. Leaving my life.
2. Leaving my friends.
3. Leaving everything my childhood, my favourite places, my house.
(Wow im leaving alot of things)
4. Some family(not that i liked them much but trying to fill in my cons list)
5. Finally but not least (yes, another leaving) leaving my favourite teacher its soooooo sad. ;( jokes well did like some...

Now that i think about it... There seems to be more pros than cons weird...

During the month when my amazing decided to drop the moving across the world bomb i wondered many things.

I realised this is my last month to spend with my closest friend, Zac until I never see him again (sound slightly like a girl but who cares, guys can feel this way too). Also I found out I'm going to be just a typical new boy.

My parents have been packing like maniacs all week its been hectic and seriously annoying ruining my beauty sleep, hmph, rude.

They've decided to keep the house for renting. So, we can visit when we come back to London. Guess thats a plus.

Thinking about this i always wanted to leave London, out of this continent but not with my family. Its just feels bizarre and wrong.

I'm having this weird vibe that everything is going to change


*fast forward 15 hours later*

This is it only 17 minutes and 23 seconds till i leave this house till next time.

Walking through the house it's practically empty seeing most of the boxes here last week has been either shipped to Sydney to our new house, given to charity or in our suitcases.

Obviously my phone and charger will definitely be in my backpack. I cannot live without my phone it's basically like living without food. Ask anyone, seriously!

My childhood will forever lie in this house and city but never forgotten.


This is it....


'Come on son' dad's getting irritated that im delaying the move.

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