Sadly I knew this too well.


"It's a girl... Sh-she well I think she's a warlock..." he breaths looking back at the sniveling child. She makes soft whimpers wanting to be held but we're both paralyzed in fear and uncertainty. I know our thoughts run the same tracks. What are we going to do? I mean we can't leave her here but can we take her in? We can drop her off anywhere, we can't take her to the shadowhunters.

"She's freezing" darling Alexander finally says looking up at me then at the girl. I nod and gesture for him to take her upstairs. He very very carefully takes the swaddled baby into his arms and she instantly relaxes. He's a natural dad. Strong, compassionate, loving, tender, everything good and everything I was not.

He tries to pick up the basket she came in but I glide over, taking it for him. He gives me a grateful nod but we're both too grim to muster much more. The trip upstairs and to out apartment is tense but at least she's sleeping in his arms. They look like they fit together perfectly. Though I don't seem to see any warlock marks.

Unsure to why Alec pointed that out I remain silence inspecting her cautiously.

When we get there Alec points and mutters to me to put the basket down on the coffee table. I obey but before he can place her tiny frame in it, I snatch out a note from inside.

Mister Bane.

I'm a 16 year old girl who made a mistake. I learned about this world by mistake. I created life by mistake.

I can't carry on with her. She 4 months. I never named her. Good luck.

I cringe at the bluntness. The baby wasn't a mistake she was a beautiful accident and I felt fiercely protective over this fact. Warlock were not mistakes, mistake implies it was a failure, a useless thing. Rather we were accidents to most but beautiful intentional to others. To one we maybe a burden but to others a blessing.

A blessing to those who can't have kids.

Like Alec.

Alec would want to keep her.

And I wasn't sure I could.

Alec straightened up after hushing her gently to sleep and looked at me with his big big blue eyes. I instantly melted.

"Magnus..." his voice was soft and scared as he stepped into my arms. I allowed him to mold into me and rub his back gently.

"Yeah I know my love..." I whispered back trying to sound supportive. "What do... What do you want to do?" I hesitate to even ask. I can tell the answer by the way he nuzzles my shoulder and sighs. It's something he does when he's unsure he's made the right decision. Usually I had soft words of great and wonderful warlock wisdom but I had no idea what to say. What can I say?

"I-I want... I mean I can't just... It's not in my moral code to let her go alone..." I nod and look down at his frustrated face. I peck him on the lips and step away a little.

"Why don't we sleep on it? It's late and it's been a long day" It's his turn to nod which relieves me that he won't put up a fight. "I'll get some basic things ok but you'll have to deal with me magicing it up. Everywhere is closed" I insisted at his unintentionally cute pout. He nods agains going over and picking up the small baby.

It was too early to function when the baby started crying. I grumbled angrily but Alec beside me look so worn and worried I decided to get her just this once.

As I walk into the room I'm hit with heavy nostalgia. I remember...

"Mom?" I asked the poor lady I was adopting as my mother, when in reality she had three other kids and didn't need a little cat eyes brat tagging along. But she'd been the closest thing I had to a mom. She would always smile.

"Yes Ade?" came her sweat response. I felt bad as I looked back now she probably hates me but she let me in to her life all the same.

"Can I go see Dewi?" I grinned back swinging my legs on the horrid make shift stool. I had been ten at the time. This was right before the Silent brothers.

"Of course. Just try not to wake her" she called as I scampered off. I nodded absentmindedly as I went into the doorframe, the only one that actually had a door on in this house. I pushed on it just enough to allow my extremely vertical body slip in. The crib stood in the corner and I went over to see the little girls curly black hair. The room was warm and smelled like milk and mothers.

She was sleeping on her back peacefully.

The guest room that was now half a nursery looked the same way. The baby laid the same way. I now saw the warlock trait though. Fluffy baby bird wings. She looked like an angel. Now however she was wailing for human contact which I gave by picking her up. My fingers twirled and I had a warm bottle in my hands for her which she devoured hungrily in sharp baby gulps.

I couldn't stop smiling.

As the sun rose we stood together, well her in my arms, watching it as it touched the world with hope. This poor baby had none of this and if I didn't take her, if we didn't take her she would never experience it. And that broke my heart.

I didn't notice Alec watching until he padded to my side rubbing his eyes. I looked at him and nodded which sent him into a flurry of smiles.

"Do you have a name" he whispered wrapping his arms around my waist. I look at the girl, her dark hair and puffy wings and smile.

"I always liked the name Dewi."

Who dares disturb Magnus Bane, high warlock of Brooklyn?!Where stories live. Discover now