Happy Birthday Magnus

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Alec's POV

I could hear the voices of Magnus and the client just outside the door but my orders were to sit and wait. Shadowhunters scare away downworlders and downworlders paid the bill in this place. I sighed and looked around at the cluttered room. It had been nearly 6 months since I had moved in back in January. It was now June-ish and the loft had official become ours. Along with spell books and papers there were weapons and steles. Along with bright pink shirts and skin tight pants were ripped jeans and over sized sweaters. I had a side of the bed, the right side. Magnus had the left.

I couldn't help the smile.

There was a picture of us on the bedside, one in the kitchen, one in the living space. I picked up the one on the bed side and looked at it. It was on my 19 birthday nearly a month ago. I was bright red and Magnus was smooching my cheek. I only allowed him to keep it because of the look in his eyes, in my eyes too. We looked so happy and in love. I think that was the day I accepted this. That I wasn't normal, that I wasn't going back. I was in love with a wonderful person and if that was a problem then so be it.

I set the picture down and began to pace. I picked up papers and knick nacks all over Magnus's work desk. There was a card buried under it all that looked recent, which was weird because anything he owned was at least 100 years old.

I know this is early but I figured you could by yourself something to celebrate. You only turn 900 once. ~Cat

I stared at it in shock as it hit me. I didn't know Magnus's birthday. He was 900? I couldn't help but laugh at that. Apparently I like older men.

Just then the door swung open and very grumpy Magnus slumped in collapsing on the bed. And my job began.

"Hey babe" I say going over and sitting next to him. He lets out a muffled scream. "That good huh?"

He rolled over and put his head in my lap. "Vampires with their love potions. I tell them they don't work like you think they do!" He throws his arms up then let's them drop onto his chest. "I need a vacation"

"Agreed" I nod, playing with his hair idly. "So when were you going to tell me it was your birthday?" I say after a few minutes of relaxed silence. His eyes snap up to mine then he covered his face with a long sigh.

"You saw the card-"

"I saw the card"

He sighs again and takes my hand. "I don't celebrate my birthday." he mumbled playing with my fingers.

"Well why not? It sounds like this is an important one too. 900" I laugh again at how old he is compared to me. I'm barely 19.

He sits up letting go of my hand. "I just don't. I don't really talk about it"

I scoot closer and rest my head on his shoulder. "You can tell me"

"I don't want to tell you" With this I tense. Secrets lead to arguing and I don't want to argue but he can't keep secrets about his past from me.


"Magnus we've talk-"

"I know I know this is just... Personal"

My stomach drops as he stand to leave. "Don't walk away from me!" I yell getting up and charging after him.

"Alexander I just don't like birthdays! I don't want to talk about it."

"Well too bad we need to talk about it!" I'm being dramatic it I need to know. I want to help. That all I want to do.

"Why do you hate birthdays?"

Who dares disturb Magnus Bane, high warlock of Brooklyn?!Where stories live. Discover now