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Alec's POV

He knows I'm up to something.

He's been keeping a close eyes on me and I think it's kind of cute. Maybe a little unnerving but cute nonetheless. He's scared I'll leave him again.

You'd think after two more years of blissful dating he'd be more secure in the relationship.

My once confident Magnus had retreated. It breaks my heart to see him look at me so uncertain and scared of my walking out the door. As we sit on the couch his hand grips mine a little too tightly, his breathing is a little too quick.

I crawl over closer to him and pull his head on my chest not saying anything. My beautiful boy fighting so hard and love him for it but sometimes he needs a little bit of a push, or rather cuddle, in the right direction to reassure him.

He sighs softly as the moment flashes and he slips his hand around my waist as I stroke his hair. I wish I could tell him right now all my plans to explain my loyalty. I wish I could do it right now but I want this to be perfect.

Today is the day I propose.

I feel like it's been plenty long enough, even if it had been three years ago I would have still done this. But after everything, Magnus had to rebuild himself. I've never seen him crash so hard before. It was like a rope snapped and he went tumbling off a cliff. His bones wouldn't have taken longer to heal then his heart.

Moments like this have become far and in between but before I found myself holding him for hours before his muscles and mind would relax. He was so scared and so anxious. So small. I missed the old Magnus in these moments but I have been rewarded with peaks of him in moments, a sassy phrase or an outlandish outfit.

I think I love this one even more because of what he went through to get back to me.

Today the man that sits in my lap is a new and re-confidence-ed person. I think I can proudly say that he's come out the end of the tunnel which makes me over joyed. His smile is dazzling and his laugh fills rooms like it did before, his words are sharp, his eyes mischievous.

But his love for me is still not the same.

He loves my more than ever but he's so scared of losing me, so scared of being alone and forgotten again that it hurts.

Hopefully today will change that.

"Babe" I whispered kissing his cheek softly. "I have to go run an errand ok?"

His gaze flicks up to mine questioningly but I hold my ground to his puppy eyes. I've become practically impervious when I need to be. Though they are adorable.

"I'll be right back ok? It won't take long"

He pouts his lips and sits up running his fingers through his hair. "Ok. Ok. But hurry back"

I nodded and mumbled my goodbyes before snagging my coat as I walked out. It was a bit chilly as summer was only starting to kick in. The sun may be out but the wind made everything so much colder.

I walked along the sidewalk with my head down and my mind going over everything in my mind. I had to get the ring. That was the first step then I had to get Magnus to the institute because Jace was setting up a small party. I planned if perfectly. No parents no worries. They didn't ever even have to know.

I sighed and checked my phone. It was noon. The party started at one. I had to hurry.

Magnus's POV

I think he's cheating on me.

Which sound awful and irrational and paranoid but... I mean I have my reasons. He stays up late on the phone and won't let me hear it he's constantly "running errands". I don't know. Maybe it's just all a stupid misunderstanding.

Who dares disturb Magnus Bane, high warlock of Brooklyn?!Where stories live. Discover now