Part Two: Chaos Ensues

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            1:10 A.M.  Taegun finally woke back up.  Damini was crying and huddled towards him.  This wasn’t the first time this sort of thing has happened.  He was prepared for such an accusation; medication was amazing.  Taegun pulled out his pills and took two swigs of water.  He felt a lot better but Damini was still hysterical.  She never saw Taegun like that before, but sooner or later he will have to tell her. 

“I am going to be ok Damini, I swear” Taegun told her.  

She started to pull back her tears.

“I am sorry Taegun” she finally said.  “I was so scarred” she started crying again. 

She was hugging tightly and wouldn’t let go.  He hugged her back and she started hugging and crying even harder. 

She didn’t deserve this

“Look at me hun” he told her.  “I really am ok, and I promise you that you are not gonna lose me any time soon.” 

She was able to pull out a smile.  He kissed her soft lips.  He liked this feeling.  He liked the fact that he was cared about.  They started to kiss harder when the shotgun blasts ripped down the door.  Taegun immediately pulled the mattress up and made sure that Damini was in a safe position.  He opened the boards in his floor, to pull out his multiple weapons;  a CZ75 pistol, a MPSK sub machine gun, and a sawed off double barrel shotgun. He gave the pistol to Damini and told her to keep down and only shoot when she saw someone.  Damini knew how to shoot, because living in this hell was prone to daily shootouts, murder and crime.  Pretty much everybody and their aunt knew how to use a gun; they needed to in order to get through the day.  Damini nodded, took the pistol and hid behind the fallen mattress.  Taegun poked his head up.  Bullets shot off in his direction. Damn, these guys might actually know what they are doing.  Taegun stood up and shot off a couple rounds at the destroyed door.  More shot gun blasts went off and then Taegun shot off his own shotgun.  He took off from the bed and made sure the intruders took notice to this.  He hid behind his kitchen counter and took a piece of broken mirror and tried to see if he could get off a shot.  Whoever these guys were, they wanted to make this quick.  They were probably sent from the man the day before.  He told Taegun he would see him again.  Good, a man who keeps his word.  A man poked his head out and inspected the room.  He took one step in, and before he could take another step, Taegun shot off a shotgun shell and was nothing remotely close to alright.  Taegun could hear the men yelling at each other in Thai.  He had to make sure the assassins focus on himself and not Damini.  Taegun looked around his kitchen to find another stashed gun.  He opened the pantry and hit a secret latch revealing several more weapons.  He took out three grenades and another pistol for himself.  Taegun also found an AK 47 assault rifle and tossed his SMG over to Damini.  They both looked at each other and nodded.  The next time one of those bastards started shooting, they would unload everything on them.  Taegun took point at the counter in his kitchen.  Seconds passed like minutes.  Every heart beat felt like a drum inside Taegun’s chest.  Time began to slow down.  He could see the dust particles in the air and fell every drop of sweat down his face.  Bring it on.

            1:15 A.M.  The assailants began to release fire once again, but this time Taegun and Damini were ready for them.  Taegun fired first and Damini soon followed. One of the men jumped in and took cover by the wall and started to shoot at Damini.  Oh, hell no.  I am going to get you, you son of a bitch.  Taegun jumped over the counter and took out the man by the wall.  The other men saw an opportunity to finish off Taegun but Damini wouldn’t let that happen.  Three gun shots could be heard throughout the apartments and then silence.  The quiet feeling of uneasiness filled the room.  Taegun went over to the dying man by the wall and asked Damini to translate for him

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