Chapter 43: Encounter

Start from the beginning

"H-he'll get upset!" Claire sobbed.

Asim let out a slow breath. Maybe he understood where Claire was coming from this time. Zayn did seem like a bit of a nutcase. He'd probably blame her and give her a tough time for her questionable company.

"Claire, you can't just stay here without telling anyone," Salma tried to reason with her. Claire wiped a fresh batch of tears. "Is there anything we can do?"

"J-just take me home," she cried after a while.

"Okay, then," Salma agreed. "Let's get you home, yeah?"

Still crying, but relieved, Claire nodded. She self consciously wrapped her arms around herself when Salma helped her up. After looking around to make sure they were alone, Salma shrugged out of her abaya and wrapped it around Claire.

"Get her shoe, please," Salma whispered to her brother.

Along with a small, fancy, black bag that he assumed was Claire's, Asim reached for the insanely high heel lying next to him. He would never understand how girls walk in these things, looking like skilled flamingos. Shaking the weird thought away, he followed the two to the car.

When they reached Claire's address, they were surprised by Niall hurrying towards his car, looking rather pale and panicked. He paused, confused to see them. Asim wondered if he and Claire were living together?

"Stay inside for a while, Sal," Asim said, as he got out. Salma nodded, feeling a bit anxious too.

Asim?" Niall cried, surprised to see him.

"Yeah, it's a bit of an emergency. I found Claire. she's -

"What?" Niall cried. "But how? - Is she-"

"She's fine -"

"Thank God! I was so worried," Niall breathed out, then started blabbering as he started rushing towards Asim's car. "I just got a call from Charlayne – her friend. She said Claire was wasted and Lena saw someone take her away from the club, and -"

He cut short suddenly when he found Asim preventing him from reaching the car.

"What's wrong?" Niall asked, confused.

"My sister's in the car," Asim explained. "Do you mind if you er, turn around, maybe . . ?"

Asim trailed off, not sure how to explain. Salma was not in her abaya. She would get mad at him if Niall were to approached the car like that.

Niall's eyebrows shot to the heavens, but to Asim's surprise, he gave off a short laughter and turned around.

"There," he said, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Thanks," Asim replied, feeling more stupid by the minute, "Salma will take Claire inside. Is there, uh – someone inside?"

"Nope," Niall replied, slightly amused.

Salma helped Claire into the house while the boys waited outside, rather impatiently. Niall invited Asim in but he declined. He took a seat on the steps, hoping Salma would hurry up while Niall restlessly paced in front of the door, attending numerous calls from God knows who. The only thing he seemed to be saying was,

"Yes, she's fine, man!" and "Didn't I tell you she's okay?"

A few minutes later, Asim jumped to his feet, startled by a sleek black car skidding into the drive way. Barely had the car come to a halt that the door flew open and out stepped a guy with dark hair and wild, panic stricken, honey colored eyes.

"Where is she?!" he yelled at Niall, charging towards the house like a wild, angered beast.

"Zayn! Hold on –" Niall tried to stop him but Zayn shrugged him off.

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