Chapter 9

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It's surprising how fast time flies. One point it's the beginning of the fall semester and now it's almost winter break. It's the start of December and we all are left with a new surprise.

Zero: So guys did you hear about the new transfer student coming in today.

Regashī: New student. Really!

Zero: Rumours say that it's a girl.

Kiba: Really now?

Kyoko: Kiba!!

Kiba: Sorry! Well what do you know about her?

Zero: Well...

Teacher: Now class please settle down. As you may know we have a new transfer student. So please make her feel right at home. You may come in now. Everyone this Nami Koga

Nami: Hey Zero.

Zero: Hey Nami.

Everyone turns and looks at Zero

Kiba: Wait. How do you two know each other?

Regashī: Yeah Zero. How do you two know each other?

Zero: Well you see......

Kiba: Why do I get the strange feeling this has happened somewhere before.

Two days before, we were at the park where Regashī met Akane. We had a snowball fight, but little did we know Zero met someone.

Zero: Man I hate the cold.

Kiba: Oh come on Zero join in the fun

Zero: Nope. I'll just read my book.

Regashī: Really?

Zero: Yup

Kyoko: Suit yourself.

As we continued to have the snowball fight, things got interesting for Zero

Zero: So that's what happened to him.

???: Um hi.

Zero: Umm me?

???: Yes you silly.

Zero: Who are you again?

???: Oh I'm Nami. :)

Zero: Well I'm Zero.

Nami: You look cold.

Zero: I am very cold.

Nami: There's a cafe across the street. Wanna go?

Zero: Sure if it's a way to get out of the cold.

Nami: Okay.

Nami and Zero had an interesting conversation over a cup of hot coffee.

Kiba and Kyoko: HEADS UP ZERO!!

Kiba: Wait where's Zero?

Regashī: Huh maybe he went home?

Akane: Or maybe he went to the library to get a new book?

Present  day

Regashī: So that's where you ran off to. Good cause I didn't want you to get hit in the face again for something that Kiba and Kyoko did.

Kiba and Kyoko: Why was it going to be our fault!

Akane: Let's face it you two in some way of fashion you piss off Zero.

Nami: You all are so lively.

Kiba: All the time

Kyoko: Besides it's not like we try to piss him off it just happens.

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