The King of Hell

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               "There's no sign of a Djinn around here." Castiel says from the back seat.

               "Do you have any idea where we're going?"

                "No." Castiel says, "I'll go scout around."

       Castiel flies away just as Sam comes back into the car. Sam didn't notice Castiel in the Impala. He was on his phone, looking for a certain bar.

              "Should I call Cas and tell him where we'll be?"

              "No." Sam says, a little too quickly, "It's fine. We'll be okay."

             "There something you're not telling me?"


             "Alright, the Djinn ain't gonna kill itself. Drive." Dean goes along with the act.

             "Yeah.." Sam says and starts up the Impala.


      Castiel scouts through the areas the brothers would go through. No sign of Djinns.


      There's a bar, empty of humans. Demons are inside, along with Crowley.

                Crowley. Is Sam going to make some sort of deal? Castiel asks himself.

      Castiel flies into the bar, demons surround him in a circle. They open a path so Crowley could walk through and be in the center with the angel.

                "Where's moose and squirrel?" Crowley asks.

               "What do you want with them?"

              "What do I want with them, nothing! Moose was the one who contacted me, something about Dean and a deal." Crowley shrugs.
             "Well they won't be coming." Castiel says, "I won't let Sam make a deal with you."

            "Well that's not your choice, now is it?" Crowley says and snaps his fingers. Three of his best demons grab a hold of Castiel. Castiel struggles to get out of their grip.

       They throw him to the floor and holy oil is lit around him in a circle.


      Sam stops at the bar. He sees Dean fidget in his seat.

             "I knew you lied to me." Dean says, shaking his head.


            "Sam, I know there's demons here. I don't know how I know that, but I do, Crowley's there isn't he?"

       Sam sighs.

            "Really, Sam?! After he showed us pretty damn well, he wanted nothing to do with us other than see us dead? Now that there's no 'big bad monster' to fight and everything was like before we started the apocalypse, he doesn't give a crap about us and actually never even did before!!" Dean says. He would say he couldn't believe it, but that would be a lie.

            "Dean, I know you can fend for yourself if necessary, but you need your sight."

            "Do I? Or is it because you don't think I can take care of myself? That you don't want to hunt alone? He'll kill us the second we walk in there!" Dean asks. Sam stays silent.

         Dean scoffs and mumbles, "I hope whatever happens in there is freaking worth it." He gets out the Impala and closes the door. If it was any other car, he would've slammed it, but that's his Baby.

         Sam gets out and Dean follows the sounds of his footsteps as they enter the bar.

         The Winchesters walk into the bar to be greeted by Crowley. Demons scattered around the bar.

                 "Hello, boys." Crowley says in a deep voice. His British accent making "Hello" sound like "Ello".

       Dean sighs and crosses his arms. He hears fire, he thinks it might be holy fire since Cas never came back to tell Dean what he found. Sam also notices Castiel in the fire and looks back at The King of Hell.

                 "Not in the mood to chat, I see." Crowley says, Dean stays quiet. Sam speaks.

                 "Give my brother his sight back, you-" Crowley interrupts Sam.

                "I know what I said. I just don't feel like helping either of you." Crowley then snapped his fingers.

       Dean reaches behind him to grab the demon knife. He turns around quickly and stabs one if the stomach before he even gets a chance to touch a hair on him. Sam feels something grab his neck, he struggles to breath.

       Then the demon's vessel hits the floor, Sam looks at Dean who had killed the demon.

       Dean knew this would happen.

       They would walk in here and Crowley would get his demons to kill them.

       This is how it ends. For all of them.

The Angel Taking Care of His Hunter [Destiel]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora