Chapter 2

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I woke up with my head throbbing.I cup my head to ease the tension.Too much alcohol be damned.I looked around me.I'm spread out on a king sized bed that is so huge it can mass out by many person.The room is eerily familiar.Then I suddenly remembered what happened the night before.I panicked."What the fuck was that?"-I uttered loudly.I miss you badly baby girl.Those were the stranger's words last night before I blacked out.Gods.Only one person call me that.It can't be.It just can't be him.I told that myself over and over before I panick some more.

Its impossible that after all these years,the boyfriend who dumped me years ago is the same guy I was dance-flirting at the bar.

I made a move to get up.Suddenly the door opens.My eyes automatically darted toward the door.

"Hey.You're awake."-stranger/could be my ex-boyfriend.
Obviously.Duh."Uhm,yeah."-I answered awkwardly.I still can't make up how he could be my ex.I mean the man in front of me is a man in every way possible.I roamed my eyes down his magnificent body.Have I mentioned he's like half-naked.Yep,he is.I'm totally ogling him.

Theres a clearing of throat and then,"Still checking me out?"-Stranger.
Busted."No just making sure I can take you out in case you turn out to be a dangerous person.That's all."-Lame answer.Who cares.Doesn't matter.

He shrug."How are you feeling?"

"Actually I'm perfectly fine now,thank you very much."Lie."And I'd like to go home now.So bye."

-I made my way through the door.I didn't even think of having a toothbrush or rinse my face whatever.I'll do those once I'm home.For now I have to leave.

The stranger blocked my way.The fuck."Not so fast,baby girl"-he said.I stilled.Then my eyes whip to him.Glaring,"I'm not anyone's baby girl.And don't call me that.Its disgusting."-I said coldly.I watches how my words struck him like thunder.Affected much?I don't even know him.Or maybe I do.But I don't wanna acknowledge the obvious thing.

He started to speak but I cut him off."Save it.I'm leaving."-I said as I get past him without looking back.

It can't be him.He'll stay as the stranger I met last night.That,I can accept.But for him to be my former boyfriend,hell no.I can't.I can't deal with it.

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