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Emmett stared at Arielle hoping she'd wake up it was only 8 am but he knew Arielle was the earliest bird there is, Derek had cried himself to sleep on the other chair on the other side of Arielle, Friends and just people had come in and gave her a bunch of gifts, balloons and bears,

Emmett sighed but looked at Arielle hearing a small groan in pain, Emmett's eyes widen when he saw Arielle's eyes start to flutter up his eyes widen he could hear a faint heart beat, "Carlisle!" Emmett shouted

"Enough with the screaming! I feel like I've had the hugest hangover." Arielle snapped Carlisle rushed in Derek woke up staring at Arielle just as surprised as Emmett and Carlisle are.

* * * *

Derek had gone to work Emmett had agreed to watching after Arielle, Arielle layed in bed sleeping peacefully after the hospital he heard her heart start beating again in a normal pace, Emmett watched Arielle as she slept "God your gorgeous. " Emmett said smiling to himself "Thanks your not so bad yourself." Arielle said in a sleepy voice, Emmett's eyes widen "Don't be embarrassed. " Arielle said to him with a smug look on her face, Emmett rolled his eyes smirking at her

"I'm not, because I know your gorgeous, your also super intelligent, and also very sarcastic, your insanely caring, even if you pretend to be what people want you to be but we both know your not, your smart very smart, your caring to those in need, your so different and it drives me crazy because of how much I can't keep my mind off you." Emmett admitted honestly, Arielle and Emmett stared at each other Arielle instantly wrapped her arms around his neck he placed his hands on her waist sitting her on his lap

Emmett kissed her so passionately and carefully almost afraid that he'd break her he pulled away from there make out sessions, "I thought I was going to lose you." Emmett mumbled sadly Arielle lifted his chin up with her fingers so he'd look her in the eyes

"Your not going to lose me. You just got me."

Sorry this is a very short chapter, Emmett and Arielle are almost official. I love theses two cinnamon rolls. I hope you enjoyed, please vote.  I promise the next chapter will be longer.

Battle Cry (Emmett Cullen) {1}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang