Chapter 5

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Lydia waved goodbye to Peter then looked back to her parents. She stood there akwardly then she said " I can't remember your names" Her mom gave her a look of understanding and said " Of course sweetheart my name is Emma Jones your mother" Her dad smiled proudly and said "And I am your father Killian Jones captain of the Jolly Roger" he said They beam at her and she smiles at them. For so long she was alone and now she has her parents and Peter. Then she suddenly remember something. They abandoned her left her to die why should she love them? " Why did you give me away didn't you love me?" Lydia asked quietly. Emma looked at her daughter and said "Honey we should sit down for this" Killian seemed to agree he lead her down to the captains quarters and sat her in a chair and him and Emma sat in two other chairs oposite her they looked at each other. "Where to start?" Killian asked his wife "How about the beginning. Storybrooke"You see Lydia when you were little you lived in a town called Storybrooke, everyone loved you because you were the second product of true love the next savior." Lydia found this hard to belive two saviors? But dispite her doubts she listened on. "But there was one man who hated you his name was Rumplestilskin and he only hated you because you were the next savior the next one to stop him from doing his evil bidding". Emma took a breath tears starting to fall down her cheeks. Killian patted her thigh and said "Don't worry love I can take it from here" Emma nodded great fully and kissed him softly on the lips. "Ok" Killian said "where were we." "Rumplestilskin wanted you gone so bad he stole The Evil Queens spell which made every one spread to different corners of the earth and some even got sucked into different realms" "You sadly were one of those people and you got sent here to Neverland, while I was scent in the middle of the ocean on the Jolly Roger and Emma was sent to New York." Killian paused for a breath as he did Emma smiled at me and said "But before we got separated your father said something my father prince charming always said to my mom Snow white." Killian smiled at his wife and with a gleam in his eyes said "No matter what...I will always find you." Lydia looked on at her parents and relized that they really did love her and they did not give her up by choice. Lydia looked at them and started to cry Killian came over and wrapped her in a tight bear hug while Emma ran her fingers through her daughters hair. Killian smiled at his wife. "She has your hair" Emma beamed at her husband "She has your eyes" "Wow it is getting late I should get back to camp" Lydia said Emma looked at her daughter and said "Lydia you should visit your home town some day we came here to ask you if you wanted to come home with us for a couple months" Emma looked at her daughter her eyes full of hope. Leave Neverland? Lydia the thought made her exited coarse she would go with them as long as she could come back.....and take Peter with her. "Of coarse I will go with you" she said "But only if I can come back to Neverland and Peter can come with me" Emma was on the verge of tears "Of coarse sweetheart he can come and you can come back here" "Ok then I will go with you guys" Lydia said hugging both of them then teleporting back to the camp. Just wait till Peter heard the good news they were going to Storybrooke for for a while!

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