Chapter 21

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Steve's POV

Ever since Keegan and Isaac went to the mainland to visit their friend I've been working late. Staying at the office and filing paper work. Isaac doesn't really come around but when he does a good time. Keegan has changed slightly but that's ok. She also missed three therapy sessions so I'll be glad when she comes back home so we can be done with that. I miss them but I also have so much time on my hands.

I went surfing this morning and went for a quick run. I did a couple of push ups and curl ups in the living room. I made breakfast then sat on the couch and watched tv. While I was sitting on the couch there was a knock on the door. Why do people like to come over when I smell bad. Last week Austin came over after I finished a massive workout. He misses Keegan too. I walked over to the door and opened it to see Catherine. I was confused. "Hey," she said.I didn't say anything. I was shocked to see her. She looked amazing. Her chocolate brown hair blew in the wind and her eyes matched her hair. I stepped back inviting her in.

"I can leave," She said. "No, you're fine." I walked over and hugged her. "Oh Steve you smell like terrible," she said. "Oh really?" "Yes." I lifted my arm up as she moved away laughing. Catherine noticed a few of Keegan's hoodies laying around. She also noticed the photo I have of me, Danno and Keegan on the table. It's from her first weekend on the island. "Who's this," Cat asked? "My daughter Keegan." "Geez Steve she's beautiful." "Thanks." "Maybe you can tell me what she's like over coffee?" I looked at Catherine as I went upstairs. I took a shower then threw on a pair of cargo pants and a grey shirt. I went downstairs in the laundry room and grabbed a pair of socks then went in the living room and put on my shoes. Catherine was in the kitchen making coffee. I went in to assist her.

She slid me a cup across the counter as Austin invited himself in throw the black door. "Steve I have a huge issue," he said. "Maybe later." "This can't wait. It's about Keegan." I sighed. Catherine walked into the other room. "What's so important about her, you couldn't wait until later," I asked? "I think I'm falling for her. Falling in too deep. Last time I felt like this I ended up heartbroken. I'm nervous. When she comes back I'm suppose to take her to the movies but she prefers to stay here and watch a movie. Help." "How am I suppose to help you?" "She's your daughter." "Right, just be yourself. She seems to like that. You have nothing to worry about." Honestly I have no clue what I'm telling this kid. He cares deeply about my little girl. The only thing going through my head is threatening him just make sure he doesn't break her heart but he's a nice kid so I'm not going to scare him. "Austin go home and call Keegan," I said. "Ok thanks Steve." "No problem." Austin left the same way he came in. I locked the door then went into the living room.

Catherine was going through some of the photo I have on a table. "Do you have a son too," she asked? "Yup Melanie was full of surprises." "Wow." "Cat it's not that I don't want you here because I do but why are you here?" "They found him." "Who?" "The little boy?" "Oh." There was an awkward moment of silence. It was weird being in the same room as Catherine. She's been gone for little over a year and she suddenly comes back. I don't get it. This isn't right. Something must be up but I'll act normal until I figure out what's going on. Hopefully nothing and she stays for good. I can't watch her leave again for who knows how long.
Sorry this is a really short one.
Hope you enjoyed this short chapter..
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