Chapter 12

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Keegan's POV

            I couldn't see a thing. I was blindfolded and tied to a table. The floor was freezing and all I have on is a pair of work out shorts and a cami. So many things are running through my mind. What will these people do to me? Will they torture me for information? Who are these people?

      My mobility is limited and I'm in pain so trying escape would be a challenge. Oh not to mention I'm bleeding. While I was sitting on the floor trying to figure out how to get help the door opened. My heart dropped to the pit of my stomach. "Go away, I said." "I'm not going to hurt you." That voice sounded so familiar. The person removed my blindfold . I batted my eyes a couple of times. I looked at the person realizing it was my mother. I attempted to back away but quickly realized I'm tied to a table. The one person who I thought I could trust is the one who kidnapped or is working with the person who kidnapped me.

     "Please," I whined. "I'm not going to hurt you I promise." "Why am I here?" "You're leverage." I'm leverage? What? Leverage? Why would she kidnap me and use as leverage towards my own father. "Here drink this," mom said. I shook my head no. "Keegan please." "I don't trust you." "You're bleeding and dehydrated. Let me help you." While my mother was trying to "help" me another person walked into the room and shoved a needle in my neck. I gasped as everything went black.

        A bunch of cold water was dumped on me as I started to regain consciousness. I was in a different location and was in a chair but I was strapped down. I was surrounded by two men and the woman I call mom. I didn't say any thing. I looked around. There were two  guards at each entrance. I was now freezing. "Promise me you won't hurt her," mom said. "Melanie shut up." "Promise me." The man who seemed to be in control wrapped his hand tightly around my neck. I struggled to breath causing my asthma to act up. "Ok ok," cried mom! The man let go as my passage way began opening and I started choking trying to catch my breath. It wasn't easy considering I was having an asthma attack. I remembered what Steve said "In through my nose out through my mouth." I started to do that as the people left the room except my mom. "Are you ok," she asked? "I'm fine," I scoffed. "Keegan please." "Go away!" My mother looked at me and walked away as I began to cough up blood.

          I don't know how long I was knocked out but there was no longer any daylight. The room was freezing, I was dripping wet and my physical condition was getting worst. The only thing I thought was the fact I'm going to die.

        After about fifteen minutes The guy who chocked me came back and put the phone to my ear. "Keegan," Steve said. "Dad?" "Are you hurt?" "No."Just stay calm ok." "Ok."

        The man pulled the phone away. "Meet me at the docks in ten minutes or she's dead," he said while hanging up the phone. One of the guards came to untie me but quickly tied my hands together, placed a blindfold over my eyes and taped my mouth shut then threw me over his shoulder. I groaned in pain. I quickly became light headed.

         We came to a stop but not for long the man took off running. "Danno after her," Steve shouted. I tried screaming but they were faint due to the tape. The man came to a stop and put me down but drew his gun and pointed to my head. I was scared but I only knew I I panicked something could go wrong. Gunshots were heard back towards where I heard Steve's voice. "Come on big guy," Danno said. "Don't step any closer or I'll kill her." "We know you would do that. You have too much to lose. A wife and your son." How do you know about them?" "It's my job." The man pushed me as I fell to the ground. I groaned in pain as a gunshot was heard close by. Danno cut my hands free but hesitated to removed the blindfold. "Man shot himself," Danno said so calmly. I wanted to look but I would be traumatized forever.  "Is Keegan ok?" "She's not in good condition but I'm carrying her around." Danno picked me up bridal style and started walking. "Can I remove the blindfold," I asked? "Not yet." 

        Danno walked through the building and out front to the docks. He removed my blindfold. The brightness from the sun hurt my eyes for a second. "I want to stand," I said. "Alright." I stood up but quickly fell to the ground. "Steve," Danno shouted! Before I fainted my father ran over and grabbed my hand. "Stay with me," he said. Those were his last words before I lost consciousness.

Sorry for such a short chapter.


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