Chapter 20

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Keegan's POV

        I received some terrible news about a friend. His body is just shutting down and nobody knows why. Isaac and I flew to California to visit him. His name is Ryan. Ryan is the first person I cared deeply about but my mother kept me isolated and I moved so things ended on a bit of a rough patch between us. I don't know to much about his relationship with Isaac but I know they're close. Ryan is such a nice person. He makes sure everyone is ok before he make sure he's ok. If you're not happy Ryan isn't happy. He has such a lovable personality and people just love to be around him.

       I rubbed my eyes while sitting up. The sun beamed through the window making the room slightly warmer than expected. I missed Isaac's old place. I spent a lot of time here just to get away from our mother. I put on a hoodie then went in the kitchen. I'm not suppose to be walking on my ankle but I'm tired of crutches. They hurt my underarms and they always get in the way. I few rapped the gauze around my ankle so that it was tighter then opened the fridge. Literally not but a gallon of milk that's probably bad. I rolled my eyes while shutting the fridge. I knew Isaac wasn't home because he's normally up before me. I walked back into the room and grabbed my phone. I had a missed call from Austin, Isaac and my father. I called Steve back first. I miss him. I miss Danno. I miss the sun. I miss a lot about that island.

    "McGarrett," Steve said. "Hi dad." "Hey princess." I smiled. "What time is it there?" "8:30am." "Cool. How's your friend?" "Umm we're going to see him today." "Good. I miss you guys." "We miss you too but I have to go now." "Alright Keegan." "See ya soon. Dad?" "Yes?" "I love you." I love you too." I smiled as I hung up the phone. I was about to call Isaac but he was just walking through the door. I'll call Austin later. "Lil sis," Isaac shouted! I walked out the room and plopped on the couch. "Yes big bro," I said. "I got some pancakes!" I looked back at Isaac as he pulled out a container. I walked into the kitchen and smiled. I grabbed a fork, the syrup and the pancakes and went to sit back down. "Thanks," I said. "No problem and all of those aren't yours." "Whatever and dad said he loves you." "Ok."

      After breakfast we got ourselves together and went to the hospital. The lady at the desk downstairs sent us upstairs to another desk who sent us to room 209 where Ryan was. Isaac and I walked into the room. Ryan looked awful. My vision became blurry as my eyes welled up with tears. I blinked as they fell from my eyes. Riley, Ryan's sister walked over and hugged me. "He's getting a little better," she said softly." "That's good." "He's been asking for you." I let go of Riley and walked over to Ryan's bedside. I kissed his forehead. "Keegan," Ryan said. "It's me." "Hi." "Hey." I looked at him. Ryan eyes are dark as chocolate and a smile that can just make your knees weak. "You are such a baby," he said. A little chuckle escaped my mouth. Riley and Isaac had left the room giving Ryan and I some time to catch up. I'm trying so hard not to cry but it's hard seeing someone you love in this situation.

       "So how's Hawaii," he asked? "Umm beautiful." "I always wanted to go there." "Once you're back to 100% you and Riley should come visit." "I'm never going to be back at 100% for a while." "Don't talk like that." "Keegan?" "Ryan stop it. You're going to get better." "I'm dying." "Where's the Ryan I fell in love with? That Ryan was always positive and made others happy before he was happy. He had the cutest smile and an amazing personality." I wiped away my tears as I stood up and grabbed Ryan's hand. "You once told me that everything is going ok even if don't seem like it. Well now I'm telling you. You're going to be fine and you'll come visit me in Hawaii." Ryan just looked at me. I just wanted to break down right in front of him but I knew he wouldn't like that very much. "I still love you," Ryan said. "I love you too." "So any guys in Hawaii?" "There's one." "Tell me everything." I smiled as I sat down. I started to tell him about Austin. Austin and Ryan would get along great. They're alike but different. Ryan is more of an adventurous guy and Austin is more of a stay inside guy. They remind me of my relationship with Isaac.

    Isaac and Riley came in the room. Isaac and Ryan talked about guy thing while Riley and I talked about anything and everything. I never actually noticed how nice Riley is. Whenever my mother decided to leave the house she always went to Riley and Ryan's house. She had business with their parents but I spent a lot of my time with Ryan because it was the only time I had with him. Riley and I would talk but it was awkward because I never really spoke to her unless it was a short conversation. After we spent a few hours with Ryan, Isaac and I went out for lunch then went back to Isaac's place. I spent the day doing school work while talking with Austin. I actually spent a lot of the time video chatting with Austin. His hair was a mess and he was in bed.

      "Keegan," Austin said. "Austin!" "When are you coming back?" "Soon." "How soon?" "It's a surprise." "Well when you come back we're going to the movies." "As long as we don't go see a scary movie." "I don't like scary movies." "Fun fact I prefer to stay in and watch a series on Netflix." "Like Netflix and chill minus the chill." "Yup." "I can do that." "Sounds like a plan." "I'll be waiting McGarrett." "You never told me your last name." "It's Rose." "Austin Rose." "That's me." I smiled. I love talking with Austin. He's knows how to make me smile. I get butterflies when talking to him sometimes. He's always telling me how beautiful I am and tell him how handsome he is but as time progresses those words have to same meaning to others but to us it means so much more and I kind of want that. I have a lot to think about before I go back to Hawaii.
Finally chapter 20!! Sorry it took so long but this Chapter was the hardest to write but hopefully the next one won't take as long and it'll be easier.
Hope ya enjoyed this chapter!!
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Love ya, dynno_nugget❤️😘

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