Chapter 1

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Short authors note: Just wanted to say thank you if your already reading this and  I posted a picture of the girl who i imagine Samantha to look like on the side ! So i hope you like the story and comment if there needs to be changes or just to talk im here ! Thank you again and i Love you ! :) ~Sam


"Sam please lower that....that trashy so called music down a little!" My aunt Barbara shouts from downstairs. She always hated my type of music even though i listen to alot of different types of music, It can range from The Fray, to Lil Wayne and Drake on my playlist. The only music i dont listen to is Gosple and Country (In acception to some songs from Taylor Swift, Jessica Simpson etc.)

She listens to oldies like Barry White and other old singers and bands from back in the day...(BORING!) "Sam Wwhat do you want for dinner?" She yells again

"I dont know whatever you want i'll eat it I dont care!" I shout back over the loud music. Mabye my music is too loud? I turn down my music while i get a text from my friend (my only friend) Bethany, or Beth for short saying if she can come over and its an emergancy. I text her back saying yes of course but no reply. I hope everything is ok?

 I go downstairs to tell Aunt Barbara that ill be meeting up with Beth so she can come over. "Aunt Barbara ill be right back im going to meet Beth she said she needs to come over- "Needs?" She says "Yea, i mean i dont know why but you dont mind right? She probably wont be long but can she have dinner with us?"

"Fine but please dont eat me out of my house, i just went food shopping so i know how you guys are!"

"Ok ok we wont! I wont be long she said she's going to meet me at the corner park" "You do know its raining right Sam?" She tells me with her eyebrow up

"Oh....right, i knew that" I shyly smile while grabbing an umbrella and a big sweater and pull it over my head. I walk out the door and it is downpouring so i rush to the park but i dont see her yet so i wait there only a few minutes to see her jog over to where im standing and she looks terrible not to mention. What happened?

"Hey Sam sorry im late, I uhm...lets just go before it starts to rain some more." She states and we hurry to my house. The house smells amazing with what Aunt Barbara is cooking so when we finish peeling the layers of clothing off we head into the kitchen to see what she's cooking.

But when i notice Beth not acting like her usuall peppy hyper self i almost forgot the reason she was here, so i rushed her upstairs and ask her to tell me everything. "Beth whats wrong? What happened?" I ask.

"I dont know Sam, mom isnt acting right she's just not acting like her self and she strangely nice one minute and angry the next, but what i also noticed was that she has been falling asleep at random times or i dont know how to explain it but she just doesnt look normal or she looks tired all the time." She explains and starts to get teary eyed.

"Oh Beth...i, i dont know what to say i mean do you have any suggestions on what it might be?"

"No not at all, but she has been going out at random times and always tells me she'll be right back but then she's out for hours without no call or texts and i get worried" She says with her head in her hands.

"Ok well, how about when you go home after dinner try to look for things that are suspicious to you or things you havent seen in her room before like in the bathroon cabinets and places like that...mabye she's hiding something from you but you have to do it when she's not home because she might think your on to her" I tell her and she nodds in agreement.

I hug her and tell her nothing is going to happen and everything is going to be ok and wipe her remaining tears from her face and pull her downstairs to the table to eat.

"OH MY GOD YESS I LOVE YOU AUNT BARBARA!" I yell across the table eyeing the chicken parmasian set up at the table I look up and Aunt Barbara and Beth are staring at me like im crazy so i shrug and start taking  pieces of chicken on my plate and eat it followed by Beth.

"Jesus Christ Sam slow down, you act like this is the first meal you've had in years!" Aunt Barbara chuckles and eats as well.

"Sorry im hungry!" I attemt to say with food in my mouth.

"EWWWWW SAM!" Everyone says in unison "Sorry! I laugh shrugging my shoulders

We all finish our plates and rinse them out. I go out to find Beth when i see her already putting her clothes on to go back home i stop her. "Beth what are you doing? Are you leaving all ready?"

"Yeaa i have to go home beofre my mom does because she'll probably be pissed if she found out i left the house without further notice". "But you cant stay atleast for a little bit? Just hang around and listen to music. Pleeeeeeeeaaaase?" I say with puppy dog eyes and a pouted lip. Beth is the only person i know who doesnt fall for the puppy dog eyes and pouted lip. All I know is i cant resist it, Its just too cute to pass up.

"No Sam i cant it's already 8:27 it's almost 9:00 i have to be in the sorry i promiss ill text you! Oh and if my mom isnt home ill definately search her room for things" She whispers in my ear and i nod.

"Fine but im walking cant walk by yourself out here at night!" I run up to my room and put on sweat pants and a sweat shirt and run back down stairs.

I hear shouting outside and a car door slam shut. By the time i go outside I see Beth and her mom's car in the driveway with Beth in the passenger seat yelling with her arms in the air and her wiping tears from her eyes. Her mom looks really mad but doesnt look at her, and Beth turns her head to my direction but bows her head down and the car leaves the driveway. What was that about? Why was her mom so mad at her? She was only at my house? Questions boggle around my mind when i run up to my room and try to text her but she doesnt answer after the 5th text i send so i give up.

I cant fall alseep so i stare at the cieling still trying to figure out what's going on with her mom. It doesnt leave my mind but i eventually fall into a deep slumber.

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