"You don't know what you're saying. She. Was. Here. Asleep. You were the one roaming around at the latest hours of the night, you probably were delusional, sleep-deprived-." Issac stated. My breath hitching in my throat as I listened to him defend me, even when he didn't have a clue as to what went on that night.

Alpha Marcus had been the one to cut him off, I shook my head at the fact no one was able to finish their sentences.

"Issac, that's enough. Your brother is just stating what he witnessed, no need to get over- defensive." Alpha Marcus spoke. My Wolf huffed in my head at his bitter words, she was enjoying being close to Issac but agitated that he was being snapped at.

A big sigh came from behind the doors before Issac spoke up again. "You don't even know her, you don't understand her...-"

"No one does!" Tobias spat. I jumped at his loud tone, the direction of this conversation making me extremely uneasy.

"I do. She's the one thing I thought I would never need, the other half I thought I knew I could live without. But I was wrong and so are all of you, you accuse her of things when she has done nothing. Nothing." Issac shouted. The voice of my Mate rang around the room, through the door and throughout my nerves; making me shiver at his words.

I wish I could say the same back, I wish I could tell him I needed him. But I never could, because if I did that would be the point of no return; and I couldn't go that far with someone I could never have.

The terrifying sound of the doorknob turning startled me, I snapped back into reality and noticed someone was leaving the office; and I was right outside the door.

Bolting down to hallway, at a speed I didn't even know I could reach, I leaped back to where I was on the couch. I cringed at the loud I made as I landedand tried to look casual; failing miserably.

I wanted to sink into the back of the couch and disappear after no other than Issac, rounded the corner and stormed into the living room. His expression, pissed, and hair sticking up at random angles, furious fingers running through them constantly.

He stopped dead in his tracks as his eyes found me sitting nearby. His hand was still in his hair, and his face was now clean of emotion; a blank stare meeting mine.

"Wh-hy are you still here. I thought everyone had left, I thought-" He tripped over his words, the aftermath of his fight in the office clearly taking a toll on his actions.

"I didn't feel up for a run." I saved him from his tumbling words, as I attempted to reason with him. I seriously hoped he didn't think anything of my secretive actions, Tobias obviously did. "So I stayed behind."

My fingers toyed with a button on my blue and white flannel, the awkwardness settling among us; pretty much like it always did when we were alone together.

"You know what. I'm sorry- I need to get out of here." He spat lowly. I was taken aback at his words and his tone; Issac had never been this bitter around me. I guess there's only so much someone can take before the snap.

Startled by his actions, I watched as he rushed out of the room quickly; the distant slam of the back doors boomed throughout the house. I jumped at the loud noise, my emotions scattered across my mind and hands shaking with anxiety.

I was still planted on the couch, even though I could hear Tobias now walking down the hallway; his footsteps growing louder as I sorted through my thoughts to try and do something, anything.

Making up my mind, I pushed myself off the couch hastily and left the room. I raced down the same hall I had just seen Issac storm through; my body moving for itself and My Wolf becoming very alert of my current actions.

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