I'll never let go---Akashi Seijuro x reader

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A/N: Play the youtube video above if you want to~


"I don't need you, (Name)." He stated bluntly with no emotion as he walked away leaving me behind. I lowered my head instantly as tears started to flow through my face.

The real Sei will never say that. He will never say any harsh words or even make me cry for a second.

"I'll never let go, Sei." I muttered as I raise my head to face him. He abruptly stops walking and turned his head to face mine.

"The Sei you know doesn't exist anymore." He smirked and continued to walk until he disappeared from my sight.

Is waiting for him to come back worthless?


*insert Let Her Go piano version music*

Ughhh. Why is this melody still my alarm? It only makes me remember him.

This music creates this tint of hope in my heart every time I hear it that he would miss my presence. But sadly, that hope disappears whenever I recall his last words.

I slowly jumped out of bed and arranged it as usually then sat up lazily.

*sigh*How many years had passed when I woke up from my dream world? 2 years?

Yeah. I stopped believing he will come back to his old self. I stop making myself believe that he would speak to me and apologise for all the hurtful things he told me back in Teiko. Nothing would change, right? I'm just a nuisance to him.

I quickly went to the bathroom and did my morning routine. I slid my Rakuzan uniform and combed my (h/c) hair. I looked into my large oval white mirror and scanned my outfit for folded fabric and stray hairs.

I'm (Name) (Surname), the rising singer of Japan. I'm taking voice and piano lessons since I was five years old. My parents became proud of my talent and achievements as I won all competitions I've competed. My father was a composer and businessman while my mother is a piano and violin teacher.

I'm thankful for having them as my parents because they helped move on. They were so glad that I've ignored everything about him because they were so worried about my health because they see me crying all day in my room. My father and mother talked to me about him one day.

"The Past is past my dear (Name). I know how important he is for you, but I'm genuinely worried about you. I'm not telling you to forget him, but he will not help you move on through your life. Live in the present. I will accept anything you decide to do as long as your happy about it. I will always support you, my daughter." I instantly hugged my parents while crying my heart out as my father finished his statement.

But after all, I've been through; I still hope that he will come back to his old self. That he will smile again for me.


"Hey! Is that (Name)?"

"Yeah! It's her!"

"Woah! She is really at our school?!"

"She's gorgeous. I want to take an autograph."

I was walking along the corridors of the school as I heard them murmur those words. Just then a group of three girls swiftly move in front of me with sparkling eyes.

"Can you please give us an autograph."

"Yeah! We're totally your loyal fans!"


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