3. Trying To Push You Out

Start from the beginning

"I just started noticing that he doesn't have any of my features, like I saw a lot of Jessica, but the things that weren't Jessica wasn't me either." I spill out, I look at the guys who look at me with confused faces as if I just spoke to them in another language.

"Wait wait wait, what are you trying to say?" Mike asks breaking the silence.

"I'm saying that Mason looks nothing like me."

"So you could be saying that-"

"Mike, don't help fill Jaime's head with thoughts that could make him over think." Vic stops Mike from going on.

"Yeah but I mean, you just never know." Mike rebuttals.

"You guys shut up," Tony quiets them both down.

"Jaime, you don't know what's true and what's not, maybe just point it out to her and see what she says." Tony suggest.

I take his suggestion into consideration and drop the subject for now.

"How about we go to a bar and get fucked, we're chick-less for the weekend." Mike says pounding his fist on the table.

"Yeah where did they go anyway?" I ask genuinely curious.

They all stiffen and look away from me, "Umm I think Catalina." Vic answers.

"Oh yeah, yeah that's where they went." Mike agrees.

I furrow my eyebrows at their sudden awkwardness but push it aside and quickly agree to go to a bar and get a few things off my mind.

We were at a local bar and club, Mike had ordered us two rounds of shots, Fireball, my nemeses. I downed each of them down quick like a band aid and felt the burning sensation slither down my throat, I winced at the feeling but chased it down with my bud light.

Halfway through the night I had already began to feel all the alcohol in my system settle in and make my senses fuzzy, couldn't complain though, I felt like I was on cloud nine and there was no coming down soon.

"Hime, yo Hime we gotta get you home." Tony says.

"No I don't have my car." I slur.

"I rode with Mike so I'm going to drive you to my house, you're staying the night." He says telling me his plan before walking me out the bar door where the cool February air hit me like a thousand bricks sending me down to the ground in an instant.

With the help of Tony and who I'm assuming was Vic, I got off the ground and was placed against the cold brick wall of the club while someone went to grab my car and drive it around to me.

Tony helped me into the passenger seat and the next thing I knew, we were driving to I think Tony's.

"Ah man, what did I do?" I mumble.

"What are you talking about Jaime?" Tony asks.

"I fucked up. Do you think she'll ever forgive me?"

I feel the car swerve to what I'm guessing is the side of the road and come to a halt, "Okay Hime, I'm over this." Tony spits out with annoyance laced in his tone.

"Over what?" I hiccup.

"All this moping around, it's been what, over two years already? You need to stop."

"But," I try to get a word in but am immediately cut off.

"No Jaime, this is ridiculous, you need to move on, whether it's with Jessica or not, you need to stop thinking about the past and quit letting it get to you all the damn time. You did what you did and this was the consequence. I'm sorry Hime, you're my best friend but I need to say this for your own good because the others won't, move the fuck on with your life."

You Were Always The One (Jaime Preciado Fanfic) *Book Two*Where stories live. Discover now