chapter 8: Fighting causes pain...

Start from the beginning

Adam and i got on a seperate wheel then his siblings. "Oh finally alone babe" He said. "Mhhmmm" i said scouting closer to him and eventually stratteling him. "Well this is the only time we'd really be able to touch, all week. So let's make it fast" He said. I nodded and then we just had a make out session. It ended and then we joined them at the end.


"RACE YOU TO THE SLIDES!!" Sam yelled at Liza. "YOUR ON!!" She screamed back as they slapshed into the water to get near the slides. Adam then did the same as Sam. "RACE YOU TO THE SLIDES BABE!!" He screamed. I just laughed and catched up to him attacking him. He feel into the water then i swam my way over. Then I felt a weight on top of me and I sunk into the water. I got flipped around and saw Adam.

I breathed back up and swam up to him. Eventually we made it and Liza and I won. We high fived each other. "Adam don't be so upset babe." I said giving him a kiss. He smiled threw the kiss and we mad eour way to the slides.

After a long time in the water, splash park, and everywhere in this place Sam and Liza were still hyper as Adam and I were exhausted. We walked back to the car and Adam drove off.


We walked inside and the kids ran to they're dad. I went to look for Patsy and found her in the laundry room. "Hi Patsy!" I said happily. She turned around and smiled at me. "Can you ask Sam, Liza and Adam if they have dirty clothes??" She asked me. "Yea sure" I smiled and walked out of the room with a basket. I ran upstairs and knocked on Sam's door. He opened it and smiled at me. "Hey Sam, your mom is doing laundry, any clothes you want washed?" I asked him. He nodded and guestered me to come in.

"There you go" he smiled and put them in the basket. "Thanks sam!2 I was about to walk out. "Wait! Um Laura..?!" He asked. "Yes bud?" I said. "You love Adam right?" He asked. "Of course sweety, why do you ask?" I said sitting beside him on his bed.

"Just wondering... If you do, promise to take great care of him?" He asked me shyly. "Yes wweetheart, i'm afraid I already do. Man that man is lucky, but I am to. Were really happy you could say. Any reason why?" I asked. "It's just because he's my brother, his feelings have been hurt way to many times, and I love him. And well there's this girl..." He trailed off. "Need advice?" I asked him and nodded embaressed. "I'll get Adam later" i said picking the basket up. "Can you come to?" He asked. I nodded and smiled before going to Liza's room and asking for her clothes.

I then went in Adam's room. he was lying down on the coach just lying there staring off into space. "Oh um yes?" he said turning his head. "Got any dirty clothes?" I asked. He got off the coach and gave me the clothes but befor eI was about to leave he took my arm.

"Stay. Please?" He asked. "No Adam i'm helping your mom" I said. "No come on i can't sleep without you" he whined. "Just do something else" I said giving him a quick kiss and walking out hearing him sigh. I walked back downstairs and gave patsy the clothes helping her put in in the wash. "You like doing chores?" She asked as we walked out. "Eh. I don't mind. And I've learned to pick up after Adam, he's so messy" I shook my head. She nodded and we chatted in the kitchen laughing and just catching up.

"Babe i really can't sleep come with me" He said coming into the kitchen. "Ad i'm helping your mother clean" I said. "Doesn't look like it" He said. "Well the laundry is washing. Your mother needs to take a break or at least get help sometimes around here. And I'm pretty sure when you visit you don't clean up." I said. "But babe-" The ding of the washing machine went on and me and Patsy stood up.

We put the laundry into the dryer and tehn went in the kitchen to do some house work. "Babe babe babe babe" Adam kept on bugging me. "What?!" I finally said. "I need you to pay attention to meeee" he sighed. I huffed and rolled my eyes. "Hun hun hun" He kept on agrevating me. "Laura just go, you've helped enought" She said. I turned to Adam. "Look Adam, right now I'm helping your mother out we are going to clean wetheir you like it or not" I said to him. He frowned and stormed upstairs.

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