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It had been two weeks since the incident with john and finally things were calming down. Louis had stayed with me at my apartment so I could make sure he was taken care of. Police had been in and out, questioning us about the night Louis had fought with John and John had taken his own life. It was all very stressful and had taken its toll on me. The past few days I had been throwing up a lot and wasn’t feeling like myself. I felt sluggish constantly and some of my clothes were beginning to get tight. At first I thought it was just the stress combined with doing nothing but lying around the house with Louis but after I missed my monthly visitor, I knew something else was going on. One day while Louis and Eleanor were at work I decided to go town the corner market for a pregnancy test. I was nervous about the results but at least I could rule it out. I couldn’t be pregnant I was probably just suffering from a stomach bug. I returned home from the market with four different kinds of tests just to be safe.

“Come on this is taking forever!” I shouted at the timer.

Finally it rang and I hurried into the bathroom to see the results. Before I checked the tests I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. The first test read positive, the second, positive, the third, positive and finally the fourth, also positive. No way, I couldn’t be pregnant. Louis and I were going to be parents! How on earth was I going to tell him? How would he take the news? I began to cry as I threw the tests into the trash bin and took it outside to rid myself of the evidence that I was, in fact, expecting Louis’s baby. This was so crazy! It had been less than a year since I met Louis and now I was pregnant with his baby! Just as I was regaining my composure I heard a familiar voice call from the living room.

“Babe, I’m home!” Louis’s scratchy accent called through my apartment.

This was it, I had to tell him that our lives were about to change forever. I walked through the apartment and found Louis sitting on the couch about to turn on the TV. I walked over to him where he greeted me with a kiss.

“What’s wrong love? You look scared.” He asked patting the couch beside him.

“Louis we need to talk.” I said sitting down next to him.

He could tell this was serious and turned towards me, listening fully.

“Lou I don’t know how to say this… I'm, I'm pregnant Louis.” I said as my fingers became very interesting.

“Are you serious? Oh my gosh babe this is great!” he exclaimed as he wrapped his arms around me.

“Really? You aren’t mad or scared?” I asked.

“No this is going to be wonderful babe! A little person just like us! The woman I love is going to be the mother of my child and hopefully soon you will be my wife. Of course we can get married after the baby comes. Oh Karsyn this is wonderful!” he shouted as he jumped off the couch.

“I was so scared you would be angry or upset.” I said quietly.

“Are you kidding? I love you so much Karsyn and I already love our baby.” He said pressing a soft kiss to my lips.

“I love you too Louis.” I said, feeling the tears well up inside me.

“I'm so glad I let you fix me Kar. You have changed me forever and now you are going to be in my life for eternity. I can’t wait to spend my whole life with you and you little one.” He said leaning down to my stomach.

“I love you so much Louis!” I said, pulling him into a kiss.

I'm so glad I didn’t let my fear take over me when I first met Louis. I let him into my life and it had changed us both for the better. Looking back I needed Louis Tomlinson to show me that fighting for something you want is so much greater than falling victim to fear. All I needed was to take a crazy chance on love and let it fix me.

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