Chapter 2

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My eyes fluttered open as the aroma of pancakes and coffee filled my room and rain tapped at my window. I rolled over to look at the clock and remembered El said she had to be to work early. I got up to follow the smell to the kitchen. I heard the radio playing softly and a beautiful crackly voice was singing along. My heart dropped to my stomach as I realized who was in my kitchen. Louis. I took a deep breath as I entered the kitchen to a beautiful creature standing at my stove. A blue shirt clung to his torso and tight jeans sat on his hips and showed off the muscles of his legs. He stood just two inches taller than me but was intimidating. His large biceps flexed as I watched him cook and became lost in the features of his body. He turned to me as he sat a plate of food on my kitchen table. Eyes as blue as the sky sparkled in the light and his perfect lips pulled into a smile as he noticed how captivated I was.

“Like what you see?” he said as he winked.

“No I don’t. How in the hell did you get into my apartment?” I spat.

“Feisty, I like that.” He said biting his lip and moving towards me.

“How did you get in?” I yelled at him again.

“Your roommate let me in. I told her I was a friend of yours.” He said as he continued moving towards me.

“You lied to her!” I exclaimed.

“Not really, we are friends or we will be soon.” He said with a smirk.

“No I want you out.” I said as my back hit the wall.

He had trapped me against the wall. This scary stranger was in my home uninvited and now he had me cornered. I swallowed hard as I tried to hold onto my composure. He was inches from my face and his blue eyes were locked on my own. A sneaky smile crept onto his face and the look in his eyes sent a chill straight to my heart. With one motion he grasped both my hands in his much larger one, trapping them above my head as he began to kiss my neck. I felt my breath leave my lips in short puffs as he continued to love bite at my neck. I closed my eyes and felt my hands fall around his neck as both of his hands crept up my shirt. He pushed me harder into the wall and began to kiss my lips. Today I didn’t fight back and fell victim to his kisses. He pulled away from me and kissed me hard one more time before turning for the door.

“Enjoy your breakfast and I will pick you up later.” He said in his scratchy accent.

The door shut behind him and I slid down the wall to the floor. I sat in shock as I began to cry. Louis terrified me but at the same time he made me feel alive. He was so much stronger than me and I know I couldn’t fight back. I knew at 7 o’clock he would be back to take me on a “date” and there was no way he would let me say no. I sat on the kitchen floor crying for a while after Louis had left me. I went to the door and locked it. I made sure my curtains in my bedroom were closed when I went to take a shower. In the shower I cried because I didn’t know what to do about the situation unfolding in front of me. I spent my rainy day off curled up on the couch watching movies. At 6 I went to change my outfit and fix my hair before Louis would return. El got home at 6:30 but went straight to the shower leaving me no time to scold her for her mistake that morning.  I was gathering my things when she came in to sit on the couch.

“Where are you going?” she asked with her attention glued to the television.

“I-I have a date. “  I managed to stammer.

“With the guy from this morning?” she asked.

“Yeah.” I said with irritation hearing a knock at the door.

“Be careful. Something about him seemed dangerous.” She called out from the couch as I went to open the door.

“I will. Don’t wait up.” I said as I opened the barrier to see Louis.

“Hello beautiful.” He said as he looked me over.

“Ready?” I asked trying to sound optimistic.

He reached for my hand and led me out of the building and towards his car. I tried my best to keep my fear from getting to me but I had no idea how this night would unfold.

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