Chapter 1

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Beau pulled the door shut and the small closet filled with darkness. There was barely enough room for the two of them; they were pressed up against each other. Daniel repositioned himself to give Beau a bit more space so he'd be comfortable, leaning back against the wall a bit. It was clear to Skip that he was still really worked up. "It's okay Beau, were gonna get 'em," Daniel whispered, trying to sooth him.

"I know were gonna get them, but it's so annoying that we have to get 'em, ya know?" Beau asked, looking for agreement deep in Daniel's eyes. "Like why couldn't they just fucking come home on.."

James cut Beau off saying "You guys have to keep it down you're gonna blow your cover."

"But if they had just been here when they were supposed to.." Beau said just as loud as before, breathing hot air into Daniel's face, sending shivers down his spine.

"Shhh, I know Beau, I know," Daniel whispered trying to hush him.

"But I just don't unders.."

Suddenly Daniel lunged forward and kissed Beau. There had been so much tension, their bodies pressed up against each other like that. He had been dying to do it for ages. And Daniel couldn't think of a better way to shut Beau up. He couldn't help himself. At first Beau was really suprised but after a couple of seconds he began to kiss back untill they were passionately making out. The carton of eggs Beau had been holding fell to the floor as he reached up to run his hands through Daniel's hair. Beau quickly took control of the situation, pressing Daniel hard up against the wall of the closet, slightly grinding his hips into Skip, his mind racing. Daniel felt his hard on grow slightly as he reached his arms aroung Beau's neck, pulling him closer. Beau's lips were like velvet against his, each kiss like a soft caress.

A slamming of the front door caused Beau to finally break away from Daniel, quickly scrambling to pick up the egg carton whispering "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.." so that only Skip could hear him. Daniel giggled when Beau opened the carton and all but 2 of the eggs had cracked, leaving the inside of the box sticky and wet. He reached in and picked up one of the whole eggs and a handful of the broken shell and yolk and Beau did the same as they heard James outside saying "You fucking cunts where have you been?!"

Before the twins could answer Beau pushed the closet door open dragging Daniel out with him and the two boys began to pelt Jai and Luke with the remains of the eggs, getting egg all over their clothes and the floor.

"Aww come on, what the fuck!" Luke shouted, shaking his hand to get some of the yolk off.

"Thats what you pricks get for being so fucking late!" Beau shouted back, scooping some egg off the floor and hurling it at the twins again.

"Now it's gonna take us even more time cause we fucking have to change now!" Luke yelled, storming off into his room.

"Plus we have to fucking clean up this mess too." Jai said, pointing at the floor covered in egg. As he huffed off to his room to change he whispered "Fucking idiots," under his breath.

Beau, Daniel and James plopped back down on the couch, waiting for the twins yet again. "Well I guess we didn't exactly think that through," James said. Beau grumbled in agreement, crossing his arms over his chest. He was really hoping James hadn't heard what was going on in the closet earlier. At the time it felt so right but now he was uncertain, confused.

Daniel couldn't even believe that had happened. It was surreal, like a dream. Looking over at Beau he couldn't even fathom that he has just kissed those bright pink lips of his, that his toned chest had been leaning up against his. He really wanted to talk to Beau about it, but he knew that'd have to wait till after tonight.

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