Chapter Thirteen

Comincia dall'inizio

Tyler kissed her forehead and nuzzled her with his nose, making her laugh. “You know, if you stay like this much longer I’m going to go crazy.”

She blushed and rolled off, curling into his side. She tuned back into the movie just in time to hear her favorite part. “And Daddy they took my boot!” Jane exclaimed, causing Arabella and Tyler to laugh merrily.

A knock at the door caused Tyler to jump up and sprint across the room. Arabella didn’t even flinch. “It’s fine, come on.” she said, heading over to answer it.

“Hey, you!” said Maddock when she did. “I know you had to miss Monday because you were practicing, but I knew you would be relaxing tonight so I thought you might want some company!”

“Aw! Thank you!” she said, hugging him. Turning around, she saw Tyler looking extremely confused. “I actually already have company, but you’re welcome to join us Tyler, this is my best friend Maddock. Maddock, this is Tyler. He’s um the one that’s been helping me with my audition” she said, feeling a little awkward because they hadn’t really labeled anything.

Maddock looked between them, assessing the awkwardness in her voice and his slightly flustered expression. “Were you guys just making out?” he asked and she hit his arm. Sometimes she couldn’t believe they were best friends because she was so shy around strangers and he wasn’t at all.

Tyler was still looking confused. “How is Ryan?” Arabella asked suggestively.

“Fantastic!” he blushed. Tyler stopped looking confused.

“Nice to meet you” he said, extending his hand.

“Likewise. I’ve heard a lot about you. Where are you from?”


“So come on in, we were watching Tarzan!” she said excitedly

“Sure you were” Maddock blurted. Even Tyler blushed.

They lounged around as Maddock and Tyler got to know each other. There was a lot of laughing and joking.

When the movie ended, Arabella kicked them out because she wanted to go to sleep early. She closed the door after them and smiled to herself, glad her two favorites had finally met. 

She started back to her room, getting excited for the long shower she was about to take before she curled up in her bed. She almost reached the hall closet to grab a towel when she heard a knock at the door. Confused, she walked over and opened the door to see Tyler standing there.

“What are...” his lips cut her off. He kissed her urgently as he stepped into the apartment. Before she knew what was happening he had her pressed up against the door. His hands rested on her hips as he leaned in, pressing his body against hers. The door shut from their weight. She tangled her hands in his hair as he slipped his tongue into her mouth. She eagerly kissed him back, her mind and senses filled with only him. She just couldn’t get close enough to him. Frustrated, she let out a small moan into his mouth. He reacted immediately, grabbing her hips and lifting her up so she could wrap her legs around his waist, their mouths never losing contact. She grinded her hips against his instinctively with her back still against the door. His hands slid from her hips around to her butt, guiding her. 

“Damnit, Ella, I just came back for a goodnight kiss” he said suddenly, letting go of her. They were both flushed and breathing heavily.

“Oh” she breathed. She untangled herself, embarrassed.

“I just can’t seem to keep my hands off of you” he said with a lopsided grin that made her heart pound. Then again, just his deep southern voice always sent her heart racing.

“Goodnight” he smiled and kissed her sweetly, holding her hand.

She closed the door after him and leaned against it again. She smiled, biting her lip even though no one was there to see it. Shaking her head, she headed off to grab a towel.

A/N: Spicy;) I think they're cute, do you guys? Do you like Tyler and Arabella as a couple? Does anybody else love that line in Tarzan?:) I'm going to be a zoology major so Jane is my girl. I just bought a baby redfoot tortoise and I'm seriously in love. She's crawling all over my lap as I'm writing this! AAAANYWAYS this is kind of a filler chapter, but I wanted to introduce Arabella's two boys to each other! Also makeout scene. All the teen fiction books I read always have the couple not even kiss until like the end of the book which I think is completely unrealistic. Teenagers make out all the time OK? 

vote/comment/fan so I know you're liking it so far!


Hannah Rose

P.S. My boyfriend has been putting covers and originals up on youtube lately (he sings and plays guitar) so you guys should check him out! It would make him pretty happy:) Just search Mitchell Curley and watch his new stuff!:)

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